Article 1: Building Code and Regulations
   4-1.   International Building Code, 2018 edition, adopted
   4-2.   Definitions
   4-3.   Penalty
   4-4.   Building Official
   4-5.   Fire limits defined
   4-6.   Wood shingles permitted
   4-7.   Residential foundations and footings
   4-8.   Building permit required; fee
   4-9.   Building site; restriction
   4-10.   Use of street for building material
   4-11.   Required landscaping for all commercial, multi-family residential and industrial property
Article 2: Moving Buildings
   4-20.   Permit required; fee
   4-21.   Unlawful movement
   4-22.   Danger lights
   4-23.   Penalty
Article 3: Plumbing
   4-35.   2018 International Plumbing Code adopted
   4-36.   Penalty
   4-37.   Connection to utility systems
   4-38.   Contractors and journeymen
   4-39.   Contractors; bonds and fees
   4-40.   Journeymen plumbers; registration
   4-41.   Revocation of registration
   4-42.   Registration not transferrable
   4-43.   Employment
   4-44.   Plumbing permits
   4-45.   2006 International Fuel Gas Code adopted
Article 4: Gas Piping
   4-55.   2018 International Fuel Gas Code adopted
   4-56.   Penalty
Article 5: Liquefied Petroleum Gas
   4-70.   Compliance required
   4-71.   Inspection permits; fees
   4-72.   Penalty
Article 6: Electrical Inspections
   4-85.   Equipment defined
   4-86.   Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
   4-87.   NFPA-70 National Electrical Code 2017 edition adopted
   4-88.   Electrical inspector
   4-89.   Permit fees
   4-90.   Temporary permits
   4-91.   Connections made after approval
   4-92.   Inspections; approvals
   4-93.   Supervision of wires
   4-94.   Special rulings
   4-95.   Authority to enter buildings
   4-96.   State license and city registration
   4-97.   Electrical contractor; registration fee
   4-98.   Contractor’s bond
   4-99.   Journeymen; registration fee
   4-100.   Penalty
   4-101.   When registration not required
   4-102.   Revocation of registration
Article 7: Mobile Home Parks; Recreation Vehicle Parks
   4-115.   Definitions
   4-116.   License and temporary permit
   4-117.   Fees
   4-118.   Inspections
   4-119.   Notices, hearings and orders
   4-120.   Freestanding mobile homes
   4-121.   Nonresidential mobile trailers
   4-122.   Location, space and layout
   4-123.   Service buildings
   4-124.   Sewage disposal
   4-125.   Water supply
   4-126.   Refuse disposal
   4-127.   Insect and rodent control
   4-128.   Electricity; exterior lighting
   4-129.   Piping
   4-130.   Park areas; water; fires
   4-131.   Alterations and additions
   4-132.   Registration of owners and occupants
   4-133.   Additional regulations
   4-134.   Minimum housing regulations
   4-135.   Mobile home subdivisions
   4-136.   Supervision
   4-137.   Posting of license and permit
Article 8: Mobile/Manufactured Homes
   4-150.   Piers and footings
   4-151.   Approved sightings and roofing materials
Article 9: Signs and Awnings
   4-165.   Purpose
   4-166.   Applicability
   4-167.   Awning supports; height and width
   4-168.   Unsafe awnings
   4-169.   Signs over sidewalks
   4-170.   Sign permit required
   4-171.   Definitions
   4-172.   Prohibited signs
   4-173.   General use conditions for on-premises signs; business signs
   4-174.   Temporary signs
   4-175.   Exempted signs
   4-176.   Violations
Article 10: Fees
   4-180.   Fees belonging to the city
Article 11: Swimming Pools
   4-190.   Suitable, effective barriers
   4-191.   Family swimming pools
   4-192.   Unlawful erections; exceptions
   4-193.   Permit requirements
   4-194.   Fees
   4-195.   Retroactivity
   4-196.   Penalty
Article 12: Historic Preservation Ordinance
   4-210.   Title
   4-211.   Purpose
   4-212.   Area of applications
   4-213.   Definitions
   4-214.   Historic Preservation Commission established
   4-215.   Powers and duties of Commission
   4-216.   Landmark designation
   4-217.   Historic District designation
   4-218.   Ordinary maintenance or repair
   4-219.   Work requiring review by city
   4-220.   Certificate of appropriateness
   4-221.   Minimum maintenance
   4-222.   Demolition of a landmark, a resource on a landmark site or contributing resource within Historic District
   4-223.   Negotiations prior to demolition application hearing
   4-224.   Certificate of economic hardship
   4-225.   Unusual and compelling circumstances and demolition of a landmark, a resource on a landmark site or contributing resource within a Historic District
   4-226.   Conditions for recommending approval of a demolition permit
   4-227.   Demolition of general resources located in Historic District
   4-228.   Other demolition permits
   4-229.   Treatment of site following demolition
   4-230.   Public safety hazards and emergency securing measures
   4-230A.   Signs
   4-231.   Appeals
   4-232.   Injunctive relief
   4-233.   Violation and penalties
Article 13: Flood Damage Prevention
   4-245.   Statutory authorization, findings of fact, purpose and methods
   4-246.   Definitions
   4-247.   General provisions
   4-248.   Administration
   4-249.   Provisions for flood hazard reduction.
   4-250.   Floodplain management fee schedule
   4-251.   Penalties for noncompliance
Article 14: Oil and Gas Wells
   4-265.   Intent and purpose
   4-266.   Definitions
   4-267.   Permits
   4-268.   Application and filing fees
   4-269.   Testing water wells
   4-270.   Issuance or refusal or permit
   4-271.   Permittee’s insurance and bonds
   4-272.   Conversion from natural or artificial recovery
   4-273.   Enhanced recovery and disposal wells
   4-274.   Deepening and sidetracking wells
   4-275.   Annual fee to operate
   4-276.   Disposal of salt water
   4-277.   Compliance
   4-278.   Conductor casing
   4-279.   Surface casing
   4-280.   Notification of certain operations
   4-281.   Plugging and abandonment
   4-282.   Movement with heavy equipment
   4-283.   Well location
   4-284.   Fences
   4-285.   Noise and other nuisances
   4-286.   Facilities
   4-287.   Storage tanks and separators
   4-288.   Impoundings around tanks by diking
   4-289.   Fire prevention
   4-290.   Pits
   4-291.   Motive power
   4-292.   Derrick and rig
   4-293.   Open hole formation testing
   4-294.   Drilling operations; equipment
   4-295.   Streets and alleys
   4-296.   Flaring of gas
   4-297.   Fracturing and acidizing
   4-298.   Swabbing and bailing
   4-299.   Rupture in surface casing
   4-300.   Depositing oil products
   4-301.   Safety precautions
   4-302.   Forms filed with Corporation Commission
   4-303.   Water for muds
   4-304.   Service companies
   4-305.   Accumulation of vapor
   4-306.   Inspection of pressure lines
   4-307.   Ingress and egress
   4-308.   Order to cease operations
   4-309.   Appeals
   4-310.   Review of permit recommendations
   4-311.   Conduits on streets and alleys
   4-312.   Annual fee for conduits
   4-313.   Applicability to existing conditions
   4-314.   Penalties
Article 15: Equal Access to Housing
   4-325.   Purposes; construction
   4-326.   Acts prohibited
   4-327.   Exemptions
   4-328.   Fair Housing Board created; duties
   4-329.   Procedure
   4-330.   Notices
   4-331.   Penalties
Article 16: Energy Code
   4-345.   BOCA Energy Code adopted
Article 17: Mechanical Code
   4-355.   2018 International Mechanical Code adopted
   4-356.   Penalty
Article 18: Water Well Drilling
   4-370.   License required
   4-371.   Bond required
   4-372.   Permit and inspection
   4-373.   Regulations
   4-374.   Connection to public water supply
   4-375.   Inspection of water wells
   4-376.   Penalty
Article 19: Approaches and Driveways
   4-390.   Specifications
Article 20: Erosions and Sedimentation Control
   4-400.   Intent and purpose
   4-401.   Permits and fees
   4-402.   Exemptions
   4-403.   Permit application
   4-404.   Temporary structures
   4-405.   Permanent structures
   4-406.   Vegetative practice
   4-407.   Penalty
Article 21: International One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code
   4-420.   International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings 2018 edition adopted
   4-421.   Penalty
Article 22: Reserved
Article 23: International Property Maintenance Code
   4-425.   International Property Maintenance for Existing Residential and Nonresidential Structures and All Existing Premises adopted
   4-426.   Saving clause