General Provisions
152.001 Permit required for construction; application
152.002 Construction specifications
152.003 Injury to new pavement unlawful
152.004 Obstruction
152.005 Barricades
152.006 Private use
152.007 Encroachment
152.008 Injury
152.009 Depositing material on streets
152.010 Depositing material on sidewalks
152.011 Obstructing drains
152.012 Permission to erect poles and wires
152.013 Gasoline pumps
152.014 Excavations; permit, bond required
152.015 Playing games; interference with traffic or pedestrians
152.016 Fence regulations
152.017 Fence and plant height restrictions at corners
152.018 Scaffolds
152.019 Articles on windows
152.020 Definitions
152.021 Prohibited
Driveways and Sidewalk Construction
152.035 Construction; permit and fee
152.036 Grade surface
152.037 Material specifications
152.038 Maintenance; repair
152.039 Installation of sidewalks
152.040 Building permit issuance; plan for sidewalk required
152.041 Location; construction specifications
152.042 Bond return
152.043 Completion; time limit
Prohibited Acts
152.055 Grade of sidewalks
152.056 Sidewalk not to be laid contrary to grade
152.057 Materials for construction of sidewalks
152.058 Width, incline of sidewalks
152.059 Special ordinances regarding sidewalks
152.060 Removal of earth; fine
152.061 Excavation; bond required
152.062 Filling excavations
152.063 Leaving excavations unprotected
152.064 Public ways to be free of encroachments, buildings
152.065 Obstructions
152.066 Fencing street
152.067 Telegraph poles and wires
152.068 Removal of encroachments
152.069 Exception to encroachments; permit required
152.070 Pedestrian walkway during sidewalk obstruction
152.071 Liability for damages
152.072 Barbed wire fences
152.073 Exhibitions, parades, public speaking; interfering with passage upon public ways
152.074 Peanut and candy stands; license required
152.075 Newspaper or periodical stands; license required
152.076 Hauling and throwing offensive matter
152.077 Glass and similar injurious materials prohibited
152.078 Gates and doors, swinging over sidewalks
152.079 Awnings
152.080 Cellar doors, openings in sidewalks
152.081 Object on windowsill
152.082 Trees; planting, trimming
152.083 Sidewalks to be kept free of snow and ice
152.084 Alleys and gutters to be kept clean
152.085 Animals on sidewalks or lawns
152.086 Drains across sidewalks
152.087 Painting on sidewalks
152.088 Spitting on sidewalks
152.089 Bicycles on sidewalks
152.090 Driveway across curb
152.091 Tires with rough, sharp, or uneven edges
152.092 Mixing mortar on paved streets
152.093 Burning material on streets
152.094 Destruction of street signs, traffic-control devices
152.095 Stakes on pavement
152.096 Defective or dangerous sidewalks
152.097 Abatement of dangerous sidewalks
152.999 Penalty