(A) It is unlawful to deposit on any public sidewalks any material which may be harmful to the pavement thereof, or any waste material, or any glass or other articles which might cause injury to persons, animals, or property.
(B) Merchandise of a business establishment held for sale to the public may de deposited on the sidewalks in front of or along the side of the building occupied by such business establishment for the purpose only of displaying the same for sale; provided, that such merchandise shall not be so deposited beyond 24 inches from the building; provided, further, that such merchandise shall not be deposited on the sidewalks before the hour of 7:00 a.m. nor after 9:00 p.m. from Monday through Saturday, and at no time on Sundays.
(Ord. 2004-08, passed 9-21-2004) Penalty, see § 152.999