General Provisions
50.01 Purpose
50.02 Definitions
50.03 Accumulation of uncollected refuse prohibited
50.04 Containers required
50.05 Location of containers for collection
50.06 Weekly collection by village
50.07 Dumpsters and trash handling in industrial, commercial and business districts
Yard Waste Program
50.15 Definitions
50.16 Mixing of yard waste prohibited
50.17 Packing of yard waste
50.18 Sale and distribution of official yard waste bags
Recycling Program
50.25 Definition
50.26 Recycling program
50.27 Separation of recyclables; placement and time for recyclables removal
50.28 Mandatory recycling
50.29 Recycling containers
50.30 Recycling service charges
50.31 Collection by unauthorized persons
50.32 Unattended donation/collection boxes
Rates and Charges
50.40 Solid waste removal service charges
50.99 Penalty