(A)   The operator shall timely submit those reports, statements, and logs required by this franchise.
   (B)   Certificates of insurance for renewal or replacement insurance policies shall be delivered to the city at least 15 days before the expiration of the insurance which such policies are to renew or replace.
   (C)   The operator shall submit a report to the city, within 90 days after the close of each quarter of its fiscal year, which contain for the previous quarter:
      (1)   A customer complaint log which identifies service related complaints by customers and the resolution of those complaints;
      (2)   The number of additional subscribers to the system;
      (3)   Changes that have occurred in the programming offered by the system;
      (4)   Additional line extensions and construction activity;
      (5)   A compliance report on the system's compliance with the franchise's customer service standards;
      (6)   A list of all reports and petitions filed by the system with the Federal Communications Commission; and
      (7)   A compliance report certifying that the system complies with federal signal leakage tests and all other federally mandated tests. If said tests reveal noncompliance, the nature of noncompliance shall be specified.
(Ord. O-19-08, passed 11-11-08)