General Provisions
   150.001   Short title
   150.002   Definitions
   150.003   Establishment of districts
   150.004   Zoning map
   150.005   Remedies
   150.006   Conflict
   150.007   Satellite dishes
RS Suburban Residence District
   150.020   Uses permitted
   150.021   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.022   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.023   Minimum area of lot
   150.024   Minimum width of lot
   150.025   Minimum front yard
   150.026   Minimum side yard
   150.027   Minimum rear yard
   150.028   Maximum height of buildings
R-1 Residence District
   150.040   Uses permitted
   150.041   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.042   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.043   Minimum area of lot
   150.044   Minimum width of lot
   150.045   Minimum front yard
   150.046   Minimum side yard
   150.047   Minimum rear yard
   150.048   Maximum height of buildings
   150.049   Minimum building size
   150.050   Maximum lot coverage
R-2 Residence District
   150.065   Uses permitted by right
   150.066   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.067   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.068   Minimum area lot
   150.069   Minimum width of lot
   150.070   Minimum front yard
   150.071   Minimum side yard
   150.072   Minimum rear yard
   150.073   Maximum height of buildings
   150.074   Minimum building size
   150.075   Maximum lot coverage
R-H Homestead District
   150.090   Uses permitted
   150.091   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.092   Minimum area of lot
   150.093   Minimum width of lot
   150.094   Minimum front yard
   150.095   Minimum side yard
   150.096   Minimum rear yard
   150.097   Maximum height of buildings
   150.098   Minimum building size
   150.099   Maximum lot coverage
C-1 Local Commercial District
   150.110   Uses permitted
   150.111   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.112   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.113   Minimum area of lot
   150.114   Minimum width of lot
   150.115   Minimum front yard
   150.116   Minimum side yard
   150.117   Minimum rear yard
   150.118   Maximum height of buildings
   150.119   Noise
C-2 General Commercial District
   150.130   Uses permitted
   150.131   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.132   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.133   Minimum area of lot
   150.134   Minimum width of lot
   150.135   Minimum front yard
   150.136   Minimum side yard
   150.137   Minimum rear yard
   150.138   Maximum height of buildings
   150.139   Noise
C-3 Roadside Commercial District
   150.150   Uses permitted
   150.151   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.152   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.153   Minimum area of lot
   150.154   Minimum width of lot
   150.155   Minimum front yard
   150.156   Minimum side yard
   150.157   Minimum rear yard
   150.158   Maximum height of buildings
   150.159   Noise
I-1 Industrial District
   150.170   Provisions
   150.171   Uses permitted and uses permitted by special exception
   150.172   Minimum area of lot
   150.173   Minimum width of lot
   150.174   Minimum front yard
   150.175   Minimum side yard
   150.176   Minimum rear yard
   150.177   Maximum height of buildings
   150.178   Standards
I-2 Industrial Expansion District
   150.190   Provisions
   150.191   Uses permitted and uses permitted by special exception
   150.192   Minimum area of lot
   150.193   Minimum width of lot
   150.194   Minimum front yard
   150.195   Minimum side yard
   150.196   Minimum rear yard
   150.197   Maximum height of buildings
   150.198   Standards
A - Agricultural District
   150.210   Uses permitted
   150.211   Uses permitted by special exception
   150.212   Contingent uses permitted by special exception
   150.213   Minimum area of lot
   150.214   Minimum width of lot
   150.215   Minimum front yard
   150.216   Minimum side yard
   150.217   Minimum rear yard
   150.218   Maximum height of buildings
PUD - Planned Unit Development
   150.230   Purpose
   150.231   Uses permitted
   150.232   Standards for approval
   150.233   Procedures and requirements
   150.234   Sketch plan submittal
   150.235   Action by Plan Commission
   150.236   Preliminary development plan; application
   150.237   Preliminary development plan; maps
   150.238   Preliminary development plan; written statement
   150.239   Preliminary development plan; report by Plan Commission
   150.240   Preliminary development plan; action by the Common Council
   150.241   Zone map notation
   150.242   Preliminary development plan; no improvement location permit
   150.243   Failure to apply for final development plan; reversion
   150.244   Final development plan; application
   150.245   Final development plan; information to be submitted
   150.246   Final development plan; action by Plan Commission
   150.247   Special procedure for development by stages
   150.248   Conformance with subdivision control ordinance
   150.249   Consistency with the comprehensive plan
Special Exception; Procedure and Requirements
   150.260   Special exceptions
   150.261   Review procedure
   150.262   Shopping center plan, requirements and procedures
   150.263   Special exception requirements
   150.264   Requirements for mobile home parks
Contingent Use Requirements
   150.275   Where permitted
   150.276   “Contingent use” defined
   150.277   Parking spaces required by use
   150.278   Home occupation; requirements
   150.279   Conformity of existing contingent use
Non-Conforming Use Specifications
   150.290   Non-conforming uses
General Provisions and Supplementary Regulations
   150.315   Interpretation
   150.316   Determination and interpretation of district boundaries
   150.317   Procedure relating to vacated areas
   150.318   Use
   150.319   Yard, lot area and size of building
   150.320   Height
   150.321   Lots
   150.322   Parking space, loading and unloading berths
   150.323   Supplemental regulations; residential uses
   150.324   Supplemental regulations; commercial uses
   150.325   Supplemental regulations; industrial uses
   150.326   Specifications for surfacing parking areas
   150.327   Off-street parking requirements
   150.328   Loading berth requirements
   150.329   Contingent uses; off-street parking requirements
   150.330   Procedure for site plan review
   150.331   Signs
   150.332   Street tree and landscaping requirements applicable to new construction
   150.333   Zero lot line development
   150.345   Enforcement
   150.346   Improvement location permit
   150.347   Improvement location permit; industrial use; certificate of compliance
   150.348   Plans permanent record
   150.349   Improvement location permit; special exceptions
   150.350   Certificate of occupancy
   150.351   No change of use
   150.352   [Reserved]
   150.353   Records
   150.354   [Reserved]
   150.355   Health standards
   150.356   Commencement of work
   150.357   Building permit fees
   150.358   Zoning fees
Board of Zoning Appeals
   150.370   Creation and appointment
   150.371   Officers and rules
   150.372   Appeal procedure
   150.373   Duties and powers of the Board
   150.374   Findings and action
   150.375   Hearing request
   150.376   Appeal of Board’s decision
   150.390   Amendments
   150.999   Penalty