(A) Smoke.
(1) For enclosed industrial use, the emission of more than 70 smoke units per hour per stack and emissions in excess of Ringelmann No. 2 are prohibited; except that, for one hour during any 24-hour period, this rate may be increased to 80 smoke units per hour per stack up to and including Ringelmann No. 3, for the purposes of process purging, soot blowing and fire cleaning.
(2) For open industrial use, the emission of more than 90 smoke units per hour per stack and emission in excess of Ringelmann No. 3 are prohibited; except that, for a one-hour period during any 24-hour period, this rate may be increased to 120 smoke units per hour per stack, still at Ringelmann No. 3, for purposes of process purging, soot blowing and fire cleaning.
(B) Particulate matter. The rate of emission of particulate matter from an individual process within the boundaries of any lot shall not exceed a figure of 0.06 pounds per 1,000 pounds of effluent gas for enclosed industrial use, nor 0.2 pounds per 1,000 pounds of effluent gas for open industrial use. For enclosed industrial use and open industrial use not more than 50% by weight of particles larger than 44 microns (325 mesh) shall be allowed.
(C) Odor. Any enclosed or open industrial activity or operation which releases odors to the atmosphere shall be so controlled as to ensure that it will produce no public nuisance or hazard at or beyond the nearest residence or commercial district boundary line.
(D) Poisonous and injurious fumes and gases. The emission of toxic or injurious fumes and gases shall be controlled so as to comply with the following.
(1) The emission from any source shall not cause, at or beyond any lot line, concentrations of toxic and injurious fumes and gases in excess of 10% for an enclosed industrial use, and 25% for an open industrial use, of the threshold limit as set for the fume or gas in question in the Threshold Limit Values for Toxic Materials in Industry issued by the State Department of Health, from the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists, latest issue.
(2) The emission of any gas or fumes across lot lines in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or endanger public health, safety, comfort and welfare, or cause injury or damage to property or commercial use, is prohibited.
(E) Glare and heat. No enclosed or open industrial operation, activity or structure shall cause heat or glare in such a manner as to be a public nuisance at or beyond any residence or commercial district boundary.
(F) Vibration.
(1) Any enclosed or open industrial use creating intense earthshaking vibrations such as are created by a heavy drop forge shall be set back from a residence district boundary at least 250 feet, or at least 150 feet from a commercial district boundary.
(2) Earthshaking vibrations at the industrial property line shall not be in violation of this chapter as long as the vibration is not perceptible without the aid of instruments.
(G) Noise. At no point 125 feet from the boundary of an I-1 or I-2 District, or any district which permits enclosed industrial use, shall the sound pressure level of any operation or plant (other than background noises produced by sources not under the control of this chapter) exceed the decibel limits in the octave bands designated below:
Maximum Permitted Sound Level* (in Decibels) 125 Feet from Octave Band Frequency* (Cycles per Second) | Maximum Permitted Sound Level* (In Decibels) 125 Feet From | |||
District Adjoining Residence District Boundaries | District Adjoining Commercial District Boundaries | |||
Enclosed Use | Open Use | Enclosed Use | Open Use |
Maximum Permitted Sound Level* (in Decibels) 125 Feet from Octave Band Frequency* (Cycles per Second) | Maximum Permitted Sound Level* (In Decibels) 125 Feet From | |||
District Adjoining Residence District Boundaries | District Adjoining Commercial District Boundaries | |||
Enclosed Use | Open Use | Enclosed Use | Open Use | |
0 to 75 | 75 | 75 | 80 | 81 |
75 to 150 | 70 | 70 | 75 | 76 |
150 to 300 | 65 | 66 | 70 | 72 |
300 to 600 | 59 | 62 | 64 | 68 |
600 to 1,200 | 53 | 57 | 58 | 63 |
1,200 to 2,400 | 48 | 53 | 53 | 59 |
2,400 to 4,800 | 48 | 49 | 49 | 55 |
Above 4,800 | 41 | 45 | 46 | 51 |
NOTES TO TABLE: *Sound levels shall be measured with a sound-level meter and associated octave band analyzer or filter, manufactured in compliance with standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. | ||||
(H) Fire hazards. The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted. The storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted; provided, the following conditions are met.
(1) For enclosed industrial use and open industrial use, the materials shall be stored, utilized or manufactured in such a manner and protected by such means as approved by the State Fire Marshal.
(2) For enclosed industrial use and open industrial use, the storage, utilization or manufacture of flammable liquids or gases which produce flammable or explosive vapors shall be permitted in accordance with the following table (exclusive of storage of finished products in original sealed containers). Distances shown are to nearest adjoining property lines which may be built upon:
Flammable Liquid Storage | ||
Capacity of Tank (Gallons) | Class of Flammable Liquid* | Distance (Feet) |
Flammable Liquid Storage | ||
Capacity of Tank (Gallons) | Class of Flammable Liquid* | Distance (Feet) |
0 to 275 | III | 0 |
276 to 750 | III | 5 |
0 to 750 | I, II | 10 |
751 to 12,000 | III | 10 |
751 to 12,000 | I, II | 15 |
12,001 to 24,000 | I, II, III | 15 |
24,001 to 30,000 | I, II, III | 20 |
30,001 to 50,000 | I, II, III | 25 |
NOTES TO TABLE: Tanks in excess of 50,000 gallons, and those for storage of crude petroleum, shall be at a distance of 3 times the greatest dimension of the diameter or height of tank; except that, distance shall not be less than 20 feet and need not exceed 350 feet. * When flammable gases are stored, utilized or manufactured and measured in cubic feet, the quantity in cubic feet (at STP) permitted shall not exceed 300 times the quantities listed in the table below: *NFPA Classes of flammable liquids Class I flash point below 20°F Class II flash point below 70°F Class III flash point above 70°F | ||
(I) Water and stream pollution. The disposal of washes discharged into public streams and sewage systems shall meet the requirements of the Stream and Pollution Control Law of the state (Ch. 214, Acts of 1943, as amended).
(Prior Code, § 150.128) (Ord. 1978-4, passed 3-21-1978) Penalty, see § 150.999
The provision requirements described in § 150.170 of this chapter shall apply to this zone district.
(Prior Code, § 150.130) (Ord. 1978-4, passed 3-21-1978)
Sexually oriented businesses, as defined in Chapter 111 of the code of ordinances, are uses which are permitted in an I-1 Industrial District. All other uses within the I-2 Industrial Expansion Area District shall be allowed by special exception only, which includes enclosed industrial uses, open industrial uses, other such uses as the Board shall deem acceptable, however the following additional uses for an otherwise permitted special exception use shall require only an improvement location permit in accordance with Chapter 153 of the Decatur City Code of Ordinances of 2015, as supplemented:
(A) Fences (wooden, vinyl and chain-link) with front yard setbacks adhering to § 150.174, rear and side yard setbacks located directly on the property lines as represented on the applicant’s updated survey, which is required to obtain improvement location permit within this exception.
(B) Storage sheds which have a built-in floor system, are manufactured to sit on top of the earth and do not require any type of foundation or anchoring system. All front yard setback shall meet the requirements of § 150.174. All side yard setbacks shall meet the requirements of § 150.175 and rear yard setbacks shall meet the requirements of § 150.176.
(C) Shipping containers used as storage facilities, however semi-trailers and box truck beds for this purpose do not fall within an exception in any zoned district. All front yard setbacks shall meet the requirements of § 150.174. All side yard setbacks shall meet the requirements of § 150.175 and all rear yard setbacks shall meet the requirements of § 150.176.
(Prior Code, §150.131) (Ord. 1978-4, passed 3-21-1978; Ord. 2012-2, passed 4-3-2012; Ord. 2022-11, passed 7-19-2022)