General Provisions
33.001 Nonviolent civil rights demonstrations
33.002 Procedures for compliance with the professional services contract provisions
33.003 Municipal Drug Task Force
33.004 Northwest Pennsylvania Tri-County Council of Governments
33.005 Northwest Pennsylvania Rail Authority
33.006 Grievance procedure for discrimination
33.007 Parks and recreation
33.008 No trespassing signs
33.009 Destruction of meeting tapes and digital recordings
33.010 Smoke-free properties and events
Plans and Programs
33.020 County Emergency Operations Plan
33.021 Section 3 Plan
33.022 Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise Plan
33.023 Hazard Mitigation Plan
33.024 Emergency Operations Plan
33.025 Wasteload Management Plan
33.026 Solid Waste Management Plan
33.027 First Ward Rehab Program
33.028 Rodent Control Program
33.029 Community Development Block Grant Program
Cash Handling Procedures
33.065 Purpose
33.066 Required procedures
33.067 Application
33.068 Procedure
33.069 Cash received in person
33.070 Accepting payments
33.071 Balancing of cash receipts
33.072 Preparation of deposits
33.073 Reconciliation of cash collected
33.074 Pre-numbered receipts
33.075 Record retention
33.999 Penalty
(A) It is the policy of the city that excessive force by local law enforcement agencies shall not be used against individuals engaged in lawful and nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within the boundaries of the city.
(B) It is the policy of the city to enforce applicable state and local laws against the physical barring of an entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction.
(C) The City Council will coordinate with the city’s Chief of Police to implement this section by amending the city’s Police Department procedures.