(A) The Committee shall consist of seven members to serve without compensation, said Committee to be known as the “Municipal Shade Tree Committee”.
(B) City Council shall appoint members as necessary to fill vacancies on the Committee. Terms of office, after the initial term, shall be for three years.
(C) The Committee shall set regular meeting dates and times and shall establish rules for the organization of the Committee. It shall annually elect, from its membership, officers consisting of a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and treasurer. It shall keep minutes of each meeting and, together with the City Treasurer, shall keep a record of all monies and expenditures of the Committee.
(D) The Committee shall study the conditions of the urban forest in the city and formulate a plan for planting and caring for shade trees. It shall regulate and enforce such powers as may be conferred by City Council from time to time.
(E) The Committee shall establish a fund raising program for the implementation of its activities. All funds raised by the Committee shall be used to promote a shade tree program in the city. City Council may allocate funds to the Committee and may authorize the use of public works employees and equipment from time to time to assist in shade tree activities.
(F) The City Treasurer shall be authorized to establish a separate Shade Tree Fund, in the Special Account, into which all donations, contributions and memorial funds will be deposited. All proceeds in the Shade Tree Fund shall be used for municipal shade tree activities in the city.
(Res. 96-07, passed 4-15-1996)