(a) The Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking, with respect to roadways on City property, and the Commissioner of Parking Facilities, with respect to off-street parking facilities, are hereby authorized to adopt regulations for Municipal roadways on City property and off-street parking facilities, respectively, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to:
(1) Establishing limits of speed, to be determined upon the basis of official engineering and traffic investigations;
(2) Designating, laying out and identifying drives for the purpose of furnishing ingress and egress to vehicles using Municipal parking facilities;
(3) Designating drives upon which vehicles shall move in only one (1) direction;
(4) Prohibiting right-hand turns or left-hand turns, or permitting only right-hand turns or left-hand turns at designated drive intersections;
(5) Designating those drives upon which vehicles must stop or yield the right-of-way at drive intersections;
(6) Designating, locating and marking crosswalks, center lines, lane lines, stop lines and other markings upon the surface of the Municipal parking facility to provide for the protection and safety of the public;
(7) Designating and marking those areas in which vehicles shall not stop, stand or park;
(8) Designating roadways, drives or parts thereof upon which only RTA buses shall operate.
(b) The regulations adopted by authority of subsections (a)(2) through (8) hereof shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the City Record and upon the erection of signs sufficient in number and location to apprise the ordinarily observant person of the existence of the regulation, and shall have the force and effect of ordinances until rescinded by the Commissioner or disapproved by ordinance of Council.
The speed regulations adopted by the Commissioner pursuant to subsection (a)(1) hereof shall be first approved by Council and thereafter shall become effective as is provided in the foregoing paragraph.
(Ord. No. 1525-81. Passed 6-29-81, eff. 7-2-81)
The members of the Police Division and civilian employees of the Division of Traffic Engineering and Parking and the Division of Parking Facilities shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and the regulations of the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking and the Commissioner of Parking Facilities issued pursuant to the authority of Section 455.02.
(Ord. No. 1525-81. Passed 6-29-81, eff. 7-2-81)
The Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking, with respect to street parking, and the Commissioner of Parking Facilities, with respect to off- street parking, shall place and maintain signs and traffic control devices when and as required under this chapter. The Commissioners may place and maintain such additional signs and traffic control devices as they may deem necessary to regulate, guide, warn or apprise traffic consistent with this chapter. The Commissioner of Parking Facilities shall also mark the surface of the Municipal parking lot and other such off-street parking facilities by lines painted or durably marked thereon where such surface marking is necessary or proper under this chapter.
(Ord. No. 1525-81. Passed 6-29-81, eff. 7-2-81)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, when any vehicle is parked in any parking space to which a parking meter zone is located, the person so parking such vehicle shall, upon entering such parking space, immediately remit or cause to be remitted the required parking fees in parking meters. Upon remittance of such parking fees, and the placing of such parking meter or mobile pay option in operation, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by such vehicle during the period indicated on the meter or mobile pay option. Any person so parking a vehicle who fails to remit the required parking fees and the vehicle remains in an individual on-street or off-street parking space after the prescribed time for parking shall be deemed illegally parked and in violation of the provisions of this section. No vehicle shall remain parked in a parking space in excess of the posted time restriction pursuant to the provisions of this section. The fact that the vehicle is located in an on-street or off-street parking space when the time on the parking meter or mobile payment option for the same shows no parking permitted shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of such vehicle by its owner, and such parking shall be deemed a violation of this section.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, when any vehicle is parked in a parking space in a Municipal parking facility in which automatically operated gates have been erected at the exits or entrances of such parking facility, the person so parking such vehicle shall, upon removing such vehicle from the Municipal parking facility, upon entering such parking facility, remit or cause to be remitted the required parking fees or the use of the proper parking key or parking card as is required for such automatically operated gate and as is designated by proper directions adjacent thereto. Failure to remit the required parking fees or use the proper parking key or parking card shall constitute a violation of this section. Upon the remittance of the required parking fees or the use of the proper parking key or parking card, the vehicle being removed from the parking facility shall be deemed to have been lawfully parked for that continuous period of parking time immediately preceding the removal of the vehicle from the Municipal parking facility.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)
Parking or standing a vehicle in a parking space in a Municipal parking facility adjacent to which parking space a parking meter has been erected or in a Municipal parking facility which is equipped with automatically operated gates at the exits or entrances, shall be lawful for such length of time and for such charges and fees as may be established by the Board of Control and approved by Council as provided in Section 133.25 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 2199-81. Passed 9-21-81, eff. 9-22-81)
The Commissioner of Parking Facilities shall designate parking spaces in the Willard Park Garage to be reserved at no charge for members of Council and such members of Council staff as the President shall designate, the Clerk of Council, the Mayor and such members of his or her staff as the Mayor shall designate, the directors of departments, and the Chiefs of Police and Fire. When signs are posted giving notice of such reserved parking spaces, no other person shall park in such reserved parking spaces on Mondays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on other weekdays and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
(Ord. No. 139-99. Passed 2-1-99, eff. 2-10-99)
It shall be unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this chapter for any person:
(a) To cause, allow or permit any vehicle registered in the name of or operated by such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time as may be provided in Section 455.06;
(b) To permit any vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking space adjacent to any parking meter zone while the vehicle occupying such parking space has already been parked beyond the period prescribed for such parking space;
(c) To park any vehicle across any line or marking of a parking space or in such position that the vehicle shall not be entirely within the area designated by such lines or marking;
(d) To perform any act other than the remittance of parking fees in parking meters or mobile pay options, the deposit of parking tokens, or the use of parking keys and parking cards for the purposes of securing or increasing the parking meter indication of legal parking time or for the purpose of putting into operation the automatically operated gate; and
(e) To fail to comply with any other provisions of this chapter or with any rules or regulations duly adopted by the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking and the Commissioner of Parking Facilities, pursuant to the authority of Section 455.02.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)
The Commissioner of Parking Facilities shall issue parking tokens, parking keys and parking cards and shall collect such charges and fees as are established by the Board of Control pursuant to the provisions of Section 133.25 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 1525-81. Passed 6-29-81, eff. 7-2-81)
The Commissioner of Parking Facilities shall have charge of the collection of the parking fees and charges remitted in parking meters, mobile payment options or in automatically operated gates on Municipal parking facilities.
(Ord. No. 1061-2024. Passed 3-3-25, eff. 3-4-25)
The parking fees and charges remitted in parking meters or by way of a mobile pay option or automatically operated gates and the fees and charges collected for the issuance of parking tokens, parking keys or parking cards in Municipal off-street parking facilities are required and, except for any charges assessed by a New Community Authority, shall be used to defray the expense of proper regulation of parking and traffic upon Municipal off-street parking facilities in the City; to provide the cost of supervision, regulation and control of the parking of vehicles in Municipal off-street parking facilities; the payment of the interest on and the retirement at maturity of bonds issued for the purchase of land, the improvement thereof and the equipping of such premises for off-street parking operation; and to cover the cost of purchase, supervision, protection, inspection, installation, operation, maintenance, control and use of parking meters, automatically operated gates on Municipal off-street parking facilities; all of which serve to regulate traffic and reduce the congestion caused by vehicles upon the streets of the City.
Separate accounts shall be maintained for each Municipal off-street parking facility so as to show the financial results of City ownership and operation, including all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, the cost of all improvements, expense of maintenance and the amount set aside for interest and debt retirement.
(Ord. No. 1061-2024. Passed 3-3-25, eff. 3-4-25)