§ 455.05 Parking Regulations
   (a)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, when any vehicle is parked in any parking space to which a parking meter zone is located, the person so parking such vehicle shall, upon entering such parking space, immediately remit or cause to be remitted the required parking fees in parking meters. Upon remittance of such parking fees, and the placing of such parking meter or mobile pay option in operation, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by such vehicle during the period indicated on the meter or mobile pay option. Any person so parking a vehicle who fails to remit the required parking fees and the vehicle remains in an individual on-street or off-street parking space after the prescribed time for parking shall be deemed illegally parked and in violation of the provisions of this section. No vehicle shall remain parked in a parking space in excess of the posted time restriction pursuant to the provisions of this section. The fact that the vehicle is located in an on-street or off-street parking space when the time on the parking meter or mobile payment option for the same shows no parking permitted shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of such vehicle by its owner, and such parking shall be deemed a violation of this section.
   (b)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, when any vehicle is parked in a parking space in a Municipal parking facility in which automatically operated gates have been erected at the exits or entrances of such parking facility, the person so parking such vehicle shall, upon removing such vehicle from the Municipal parking facility, upon entering such parking facility, remit or cause to be remitted the required parking fees or the use of the proper parking key or parking card as is required for such automatically operated gate and as is designated by proper directions adjacent thereto. Failure to remit the required parking fees or use the proper parking key or parking card shall constitute a violation of this section. Upon the remittance of the required parking fees or the use of the proper parking key or parking card, the vehicle being removed from the parking facility shall be deemed to have been lawfully parked for that continuous period of parking time immediately preceding the removal of the vehicle from the Municipal parking facility.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)