453.01   Parking Regulations in Parking Meter Zones
453.02   Parking Violations
453.03   Collection of Coins
453.04   Application of Funds Collected
   General parking regulations, CO Ch. 451
   Municipal parking facilities, CO Ch. 455
   Parking meter defined, CO 401.33
   Registered owner prima facie liable for unlawful parking, CO 451.02
§ 453.01 Parking Regulations in Parking Meter Zones
   (a)   No person shall park a vehicle in an individual street parking space within a parking meter zone unless the curb side wheels of such a vehicle are parallel with and not more than twelve (12) inches from the curb. Whenever a vehicle is parked in a street parking meter zone, the person parking such vehicle shall remit the required parking fee.
   (b)   The Director of Public Works is authorized to charge and cause to be collected the payment required in parking meter zones such charges and fees ranging from one dollar ($1.00) per hour to eight dollars ($8.00) per hour in the Downtown Parking Area and one dollar ($1.00) per hour to five dollars ($5.00) per hour outside of the Downtown Parking Area and is further authorized to establish regulations that set forth the days of the week, hours of the day, and intervals of time for which parking is permissible.
   (c)   Notice to the public shall be given by appropriate signs, setting forth the length of time for which parking is permitted and the conditions thereof. These may be upon the parking meter stand or in the immediate vicinity. Any vehicle which remains in a metered parking zone after the prescribed time for parking is hereby determined to be illegally parked. At each place where street metered parking zones are so established as provided in Section 403.06, each vehicle shall be parked entirely within a metered parking zone The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles parking upon the street of the City between the hours of 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. the following morning and upon New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day (“Black Friday”), Christmas Day, and the day after Christmas Day, unless a different rule or regulation is otherwise set forth in this Traffic Code. The Director of Public Works, in the Director’s discretion, may exempt provisions of this section on an as-needed basis.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)
§ 453.02 Parking Violations
   (a)   No person shall park, cause, allow or permit to be parked any vehicle owned or operated by such person in any parking meter zone without remitting the required parking fee.
   (b)   No person shall cause, allow or permit any vehicle registered in his or her name to be parked overtime or beyond a lawful period of time prescribed by or in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (c)   No person shall remit or cause to be remitted in a parking meter any payment for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond legal parking time established for the parking meter zone.
   (d)   No person shall cause, allow or permit any vehicle owned or operated by such person to be parked across any line designating a metered parking zone space.
   Any such vehicle that remains parked in a space in excess of the posted time restriction shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of such vehicle by its owners, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)
§ 453.03 Collection of Coins
   The City Treasurer shall have charge of the collection of the parking fees for on-street parking.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)