463.01   Definitions
463.02   License Required; Fee
463.03   Denial, Suspension, or Revocation
463.04   Identification Badges
463.05   Rules and Regulations
463.06   Civil Penalties for Violations
463.07   Application
463.08   Appeals
463.99   Penalty
§ 463.01 Definitions
   (a)   “Motor vehicle” means any vehicle as defined in division (B) of RC 4501.01.
   (b)   “Operator” means a person who conducts a parking service, whether in the capacity of owner, principal, agent, lessee, mortgagee in possession, licensee, or any other capacity.
   (c)   “Parking facility” means any lot, land, building, garage, structure, enclosure, premises, parcel, yard, indoor or outdoor area, or any portion thereof, except a public way, within the City offering three (3) or more parking spaces.
   (d)   “Parking fee” means the total consideration required to be paid by a patron to a parking service in exchange for parking occupancy. The total consideration shall be valued in money, and shall include the value of all receipts including, but not limited to, cash, credits, property or services of any kind or nature, whether or not such consideration was actually received by the operator of the parking service. A required charge shall not avoid classification as a parking fee by its designation as an ancillary charge for any other purported purpose separate from parking occupancy.
   (e)   “Parking occupancy” or “occupancy” means the use, or the right of use, of parking space in or on a parking facility for parking, housing, or storing a motor vehicle or other related act thereof, whether such use is by way of lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use, or other agreement.
   (f)   “Parking service” means the act of offering parking space in or on a parking facility for purposes of occupancy by a patron in exchange for a parking fee. The term includes, but is not limited to, valet services, self-park services, honor lot parking, parking garages, attended parking lots, or any other form of service or facility offering parking space in or on a parking facility for purposes of occupancy by a patron in exchange for a parking fee.
   (g)   “Parking space” means any space where or in which a single motor vehicle may be parked, housed, stored, or kept at any one (1) time, regardless if that space is designated or designed for such use.
   (h)   “Patron” means a person who pays a parking fee to an operator in exchange for parking occupancy by the person or another by way of validation or otherwise.
   (i)   “Person” means any natural person, partnership, joint venture, joint stock company, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, firm, company, association, club, syndicate, society, municipal corporation, the State of Ohio, political subdivision of the State of Ohio, the United States, instrumentality of the United States, or any group or combination acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit or otherwise.
   (j)   “Valet” or “valet service” means a parking service requiring the surrender of custody or control of a patron’s motor vehicle to the operator for the purpose of parking occupancy at a location different from the place of surrender.
(Ord. No. 1749-09. Passed 12-7-09, eff. 12-9-09)
§ 463.02 License Required; Fee
   (a)   License Required. No person shall engage in the business of providing a valet service within the City unless and until licensed in accordance with this chapter.
   (b)   License Application. Every applicant for a license to operate a valet service shall make application in writing to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, which shall include an application fee of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) and set forth or include the following:
      (1)   The name and address of the applicant, and if a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners, and if a corporation, the name, date and state under which incorporated, and the names and addresses of the officers of the applicant and its statutory agent, if any;
      (2)   The name, address, and parking place license number issued pursuant to Chapter 457 of the Codified Ordinances of each parking facility used in connection with the applicant valet service’s operations;
      (3)   A sworn statement of compliance with Chapter 196 of the Codified Ordinances;
      (4)   A certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage as prescribed by division (c) of this section;
      (5)   Such other information as the Commissioner deems pertinent or necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter.
   (c)   Insurance Required. Each applicant shall furnish, at the time of application, a policy or certificate of insurance, by an insurance carrier licensed to do business in the State, acceptable to and approved by the Commissioner and the Director of Law, evidencing the applicant as the insured on a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). The insured shall provide the City with written notice of cancellation no less than ten (10) days before the date the policy is to be cancelled or terminated.
   (d)   Issuance. Upon approval of the application, the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall issue the license and, as evidence thereof, a certificate bearing the license number and applicant information. The license, or a copy of the license, shall be required to be maintained on the premises of operation and made immediately available to patrons and/or representatives of the City upon request.
   (e)   Term. All licenses issued under this chapter shall be valid for the calendar year for which such license is issued, expiring on the thirty-first day of December of the year for which such license is issued, unless sooner revoked by the Commissioner.
   (f)   License Non-Transferable. No license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be assigned or transferrable to any other person.
   (g)   Renewal. The Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall accept renewal applications at least fifteen (15) days before the expiration of the license being renewed.
(Ord. No. 1749-09. Passed 12-7-09, eff. 12-9-09)
§ 463.03 Denial, Suspension, or Revocation
   The Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses may deny, suspend, or revoke any license granted under this chapter upon the Commissioner’s determination of a violation of this chapter, a rule or regulation promulgated hereunder, or where the applicant or license holder has failed to comply with the provisions of, or remit all amounts due under, Chapter 196 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 1749-09. Passed 12-7-09, eff. 12-9-09)