“Setback building line” means a building line back of the street line.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.62 Side Yard
“Side yard” means a yard along the side line of a lot and extending from the front building line to the rear yard line or, in the case of a side street yard, to the rear lot line.
(Ord. No. 1891-68. Passed 11-4-68, eff. 11-6-68)
§ 325.63 Side Street Yard
“Side street yard” means a side yard along the side street the width of which extends from a setback building line to a street line.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.64 Reserved
§ 325.65 Specific Building Line
“Specific building line” means a setback building line indicated and located on the Building Zone Map.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.66 Street
“Street” means a public thoroughfare more than twenty (20) feet wide which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.