§ 325.06 Apartment House
   “Apartment house” means a Class A multiple dwelling containing three (3) or more dwelling units.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
§ 325.07 Automobile Laundry – Repealed
(Ord. No. 729-09. Passed 7-1-09, eff. 7-8-09)
§ 325.08 Auto Sales Lot – Repealed
(Ord. No. 729-09. Passed 7-1-09, eff. 7-8-09)
§ 325.09 Auto Wrecking Yard
   “Auto wrecking yard” means any land, building or other structure used primarily for the dismantling of motor vehicles for the purpose of converting such dismantled motor vehicles into scrap metal or salvageable parts.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
§ 325.092 Berm
   A raised landscaped mound of earth used for screening, noise reduction, or beautification.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)