§ 325.52 Nonconforming Use
   “Nonconforming use” means a use of a building or premises that does not conform to the regulations of the use district in which it is located.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
§ 325.53 Nonconformity
   “Nonconformity” means any feature, such as location, size, bulk, height or use of a building or premises, that does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
§ 325.532 Opacity
   The percentage of vision-obscuring solid materials visible when screening is viewed horizontally from grade level – or from the level of the roof at the base of the screening in the case of roof-mounted screening – to the top of the screening upon installation, or, in the case of landscape screening, starting no later than twelve (12) months after installation.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)
§ 325.533 Open Sales Lot
   Open land that is used or occupied for the purpose of buying, selling, or storing prior to sale passenger cars, trucks, motor scooters, motorcycles, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, manufactured homes, cemetery monuments, nursery plants or supplies, or other merchandise.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)
§ 325.534 Parking Garage, Community
   “Community parking garage” means a building or part thereof for the storage of automobiles of residents of an apartment building or other residents in the vicinity and in which “motor vehicle maintenance” services, as defined in Section 325.482 may be provided for vehicles stored in the garage.
(Ord. No. 729-09. Passed 7-1-09, eff. 7-8-09)
§ 325.535 Parking Garage, Private
   “Private parking garage” means a building or part thereof accessory to a main building and providing for the storage of automobiles and electrical charging of such vehicles and in which no occupation or business for profit is conducted.
(Ord. No. 729-09. Passed 7-1-09, eff. 7-8-09)
§ 325.536 Parking Garage, Public
   “Public parking garage” means a building or part thereof for the storage of motor vehicles, other than a private parking garage or a community parking garage, and in which “motor vehicle maintenance” services, as defined in Section 325.482 may be provided for vehicles stored in the garage.
(Ord. No. 729-09. Passed 7-1-09, eff. 7-8-09)