“Building” means a structure designed, built or occupied as a shelter or roofed enclosure for persons, animals or property. “Building” shall be construed under this Zoning Code as if followed by the words “or parts thereof” and shall include tents, lunch wagons, dining cars, camp cars, trailers and other roofed structures on wheels or other supports used for residential, business, mercantile, storage, commercial, industrial, institutional assembly, educational or recreational purposes. For the purposes of this definition “roof” includes an awning or other similar covering, whether or not permanent in nature.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
“Building line” means the line between which and the street line or lot line, no building or other structure or portion thereof, except as provided in this Zoning Code, may be erected above the grade level. The building line is considered a vertical surface intersecting the ground on such line.
(Ord. No. 1105-57. Passed 4-14-58, eff. 4-15-58)
"Central Business District" (CBD) means the area bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of West 10th Street and the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway; thence northeasterly along said center line of the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway to its intersection with the center line of West 3rd Street; thence northwesterly along said center line of West 3rd Street to its intersection with the Harbor line of Lake Erie; thence northeasterly along said Harbor line of Lake Erie to its intersection with the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of East 12th Street; thence southeasterly along said northwesterly prolongation and along said center line of East 12th Street to its intersection with said center line of the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway; thence northeasterly along said center line of the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway to its intersection with the center line of the Inner Belt Freeway as established by Ordinance 1845-47, effective October 22, 1947; thence southerly and southwesterly along said center line of the Inner Belt Freeway to its intersection with the center line of Broadway; thence northwesterly along said center line of Broadway to its intersection with the center line of Carnegie Avenue, S.E.; thence southwesterly along said center line of Carnegie Avenue S.E. to its intersection with the center line of Ontario Street; thence northwesterly along said center line of Ontario Street to its intersection with the center line of Huron Road, N.W.; thence northwesterly along said center line of Huron Road N.W. to its intersection with the center line of Superior Avenue N.W.; thence westerly along said center line of Superior Avenue, N.W. to its intersection with the center line of Old River Road; thence northwesterly along said center line of Old River Road to its intersection with the center line of St. Clair Avenue; thence westerly along said center line of St. Clair Avenue and its prolongation to the center line of the Cuyahoga River; thence northwesterly along said Cuyahoga River center line to its intersection with the center line of the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway; thence easterly along said center line of the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway to the place of beginning, and as outlined on the map hereto attached be and the same is now defined as the Central Business District.

(Ord. No. 76-18. Passed 4-2-18, eff. 4-3-18)
"Construction and Demolition Debris ("C&DD") Processing Facility" means any site, location, tract of land, installation, or building that is used or intended to be used primarily for the purpose of processing, transferring, or recycling C&DD that was generated off the premises of the facility.
For purposes of this definition:
"Transferring" means the receipt or storage of C&DD, or the movement of C&DD from vehicles or containers to a working surface and into other vehicles or containers, for the purposes of transporting the debris to a solid waste landfill facility, a C&DD landfill facility, or a C&DD processing facility.
"Processing" means the temporary receipt or storage of C&DD, or the movement of C&DD from vehicles or containers to a working surface, for purposes of separating the debris into individual types of materials as a commodity for use in a beneficial manner that does not constitute disposal.
"Processing facility" does not include:
(a) A facility that is operating or is licensed under Ohio law as a solid waste transfer facility or solid waste landfill facility or C&DD landfill facility;
(b) Any facility that consists solely of portable containers that have an aggregate volume of fifty (50) cubic yards or less;
(c) A site where "clean hard fill", which consists solely of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete, asphalt concrete, brick, block, tile or stone, is stored for no more than six (6) months on a permitted construction site from which it was generated during an active permitted construction, for use on that site, in legitimate fill operations for permitted construction purposes or to bring the site up to a consistent grade, if stored, managed and used in accordance with the Building Code at Chapter 345 and Chapter 3126 of these Codified Ordinances;
(d) A site where "clean hard fill," which consists solely of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete, asphalt concrete, brick, block, tile or stone, is stored for no more than six (6) months on a permitted construction site from which it was generated, for use on a permitted site, other than the site from which it was generated, for legitimate fill operations or permitted construction purposes on another site or to bring another site up to a consistent grade, if stored, managed and used in accordance with the Building Code at Chapter 345 and Chapter 3126 of these Codified Ordinances.
"Temporary receipt or storage" means storage of that material for no more than sixty (60) days, as demonstrated by documentation.
(Ord. No. 806-18. Passed 7-18-18, eff. 7-20-18)