347.01   Trucking Terminals Prohibited in Certain Areas
347.011   Ingress and Egress of Truck Traffic
347.02   Restrictions on the Keeping of Farm Animals and Bees
347.03   Location of Recreational Places
347.04   Location of Cemeteries
347.05   Location of Dusty Material Storage and Bitumen Processing
347.06   Regulations for Junk and Wrecking Yards; Walls or Fences
347.07   Adult Entertainment
347.08   Regulations for Trash Areas and Refuse Containers
347.09   Location of Skate Board Facilities
347.10   Temporary Use Permits
347.11   Open Sales Lots
347.12   Amusement, Recreation, Tattooing and Body Piercing Uses
347.121   Hookah Lounges and Vapor Lounges
347.13   Outdoor Works of Art
347.14   Liquor Sales Stores
347.15   Correctional Halfway Houses
347.16   Drive-Through Establishments
347.17   Check Cashing Businesses, Short-Term Loan Lenders, Small Loan Lenders and Mortgage Loan Lenders
347.18   Size and Location Restrictions of Satellite Dishes
347.19   State-licensed Medical Marijuana Cultivators, Processors, Retail Dispensaries and Testing Laboratories
347.20   Small Box Discount Retail Stores
   Junk yard defined, CO 325.40
   Open yard storage of junk in General Industry Districts, CO 345.04