§ 325.73 Used Car
   “Used car” means a motor vehicle which, notwithstanding age or condition, is such that it can be placed in a safe operating condition for use on the highway.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.731 Valet Parking Area
   An off-street parking area in which attendants in the employ of the parking facility either park or direct the parking of all vehicles.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)
§ 325.732 Wrecking Yard
   Any place other than a motor vehicle repair establishment where there are stored in the open three (3) or more motor vehicles, as defined herein, or trailers, boats, or similar vehicles, that are not in operating condition and have not been restored to operation within thirty (30) days of their arrival, or where parts of such items are stored in the open.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)
§ 325.74 Variance
   “Variance” means a deviation from requirements of this Zoning Code granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals in cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship under the provisions of and as limited in Sections 329.03 and 329.04.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.741 Xeriscape
   Landscaping using native or adapted plantings characterized by low water usage.
(Ord. No. 3077-A-89. Passed 6-17-91, eff. 7-27-91)
§ 325.75 Yard
   “Yard” means an open space on the same lot with a main building or structure, extending between the lot line and the extreme front, rear or side wall of the main building or structure.
(Ord. No. 845-62. Passed 4-27-64, eff. 4-27-64)
§ 325.76 Skate Board Facility
   “Skate board facility” means any structure which is erected for private or public skate board use.
(Ord. No. 235-88. Passed 6-13-88, eff. 6-15-88)
§ 325.77 Temporary Use
   “Temporary use” means any main or accessory use in any Use District involving the erection or occupancy of temporary structures.
(Ord. No. 2228-A-88. Passed 2-27-89, eff. 3-7-89)