General Provisions
99.001 Riding animals or vehicles on sidewalks
99.002 Games in street
99.003 Maintenance of railroad crossings
99.004 Park and greenway rules
99.015 Permit required
99.016 Utility right-of-way use
99.025 Obstructing public ways
99.026 Sight obstructions at intersections; abatement
99.027 Signs over public ways
Street Acceptance Policy
99.035 Street acceptance policy
99.036 Compliance required for acceptance
99.037 Preliminary plan
99.038 Minimum design standards
99.039 Minimum improvements
99.040 Acceptance of street
Street Improvements
99.050 Petition for improvements
99.051 Town Council authorized to act without petition; town to pay costs
99.052 Action on petition
99.053 Scope of improvements
99.054 Installation of utilities facilities
99.055 Work, materials specifications; supervision of project
99.056 Assessment procedure
99.057 Duties of property owners
99.058 Deposit of funds by property owners
99.059 Costs not assessable against abutting property owners
99.060 Improvements costing more or less than estimated
99.061 Resurfacing
Parades and Demonstrations
99.070 Demonstrations, picketing not to obstruct streets; permit
99.071 When permit required
99.072 Permit application
99.073 Standards for permit issuance
99.074 Denial of permit
99.075 Notice of rejection
99.076 Appeal procedure
99.077 Alternate permit
99.078 Contents of permit
99.079 Revocation of permit
99.080 Duties of permittee
99.081 Notice to town officials
99.082 Public conduct during parades
99.083 Time restrictions
Snow Removal Policy
99.100 Policy statement
99.101 Procedures and action
99.102 Priority of streets
Storm Drainage Ditches
99.110 Piping of storm drainage ditches