Garbage and Rubbish; Landfill; Recyclables
917.01    Purpose; rules of Director of Public Service.
917.02    Definitions.
917.03    Preparation; construction refuse.
917.04    Containers.
917.05    Disposal of solid waste.
917.06    Rates for collection; payment responsibility.
917.07    Authorized collector.
917.08    Ownership of refuse.
917.09    Burning and burying.
917.10    Depositing in public places.
917.11    Littering.
917.12    Injurious substances.
917.13    Landfill operations; fees.
917.14    Administration.
917.15    Exceptions.
917.16    Private trash haulers.
917.17    Recyclable definitions.
917.18    Separation and placement of recyclables.
917.19    Rates for recycling collection; disposition of funds; payment responsibility.
917.20     Duty to collect and dispose of items after eviction.
917.99    Penalty.
Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
Disposal on public ways - see Ohio R.C. 3767.20
Loads leaking - see TRAF. 339.08
Cleaning lots - see GEN. OFF. 521.05
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
Placement of refuse receptacles - see GEN. OFF. 521.16