14.14.020   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall be defined as follows:
   A.   Director. The director of the community development department of the city or an authorized representative;
   B.   Lot. A unit, or contiguous units of real property in common ownership, which is/are capable of being legally conveyed without any approval pursuant to Title 18 (Subdivisions) of this code;
   C.   Lot Owner. Any person who owns a lot or who has the legal authority from the owner of a lot to carry out the provisions of this chapter on behalf of the owner. Except where exempted by law, lot owner includes any public entity;
   D.   Public Improvements. Street pavement, street lighting, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveways, storm drainage facilities, fire hydrants, street trees, utilities, and such other improvements as are ordinarily appurtenant to the use of public rights- of-way;
   E.   Right-of-Way. Real property, acquired by or dedicated to the city for public use and access, whether held in fee, easement, or such other interest sufficient to guarantee public use and access;
   F.   Improvement Standards. The standards for the installation or construction of public improvements. Said standards are contained in that document known as the “Design Criteria and Improvement Standards” promulgated pursuant to Title 18 of this code (Subdivisions);
   G.   Street. Includes any public street, avenue, road, parkway, boulevard, thoroughfare, highway, square, crossing, intersection, lane, alley, court or any other public place or way of whatever nature, located within a right-of-way, publicly maintained and open for use by the public for the primary purposes of vehicular and, or, pedestrian travel. Street includes street surfacing, concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks, and all other improvements constructed within such right-of-way which are commonly considered a part of the public street system of the city.
(Ord. 1199 §1 (part), Ord. 2268, Ord. 2364 §138, Ord. 2439 §88)