14.14.010   Purpose and intent.
   In enacting this chapter, the city council does hereby find, determine and declare as follows:
   A.   That there exist within the city certain streets which are deficient in various public improvements, including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street pavement, fire hydrants and storm drainage facilities;
   B   That the lack of the above-mentioned public improvements within certain areas of the city contributes to:
      1.   Traffic and health hazards, both vehicular and pedestrian, in many instances forcing pedestrians, including school children, to walk in the street to be subjected to the hazards of vehicular traffic, and to excessive dust and noise,
      2.   Poor drainage, creating an accumulation of water and filth, and
      3.   The obstruction of the operation of emergency vehicles;
   C.   That it is the purpose and intent of this chapter to define the standards, specific requirements, procedures and other regulations and provisions relating to the acquisition of right-of-way and the construction of public improvements in connection with the use of individual lots of land in order to accomplish the following specific purposes:
      1.   To cause the acquisition or dedication of rights-of-way and the construction of public improvements necessary to serve the lot used, prior to the commencement of the lot use,
      2.   To insure conformity with Title 19 (Land Use Regulation) of this code, and to supplement and extend the basic requirements thereunder to apply to the use of individual lots of land in which no subdivision or other division of land is involved,
      3.   To spread the costs of required public improvements upon the properties directly benefitting, in accordance with constitutional and statutory requirements and limitations,
      4.   To promote and protect the public health, safety living standards and common welfare of the general public.
(Ord. 1199 §1 (part))