The city council finds as follows:
A. That tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution;
B. That breathing side-stream or secondhand tobacco smoke is a cause of disease, including lung cancer in nonsmokers;
C. That persons at special risk from the breathing of side-stream or secondhand smoke include pregnant women, children, elderly persons, persons with cardiovascular disease, persons with impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics, and persons with obstructive airway disease;
D. That health hazards induced by breathing side-stream or secondhand smoke include lung cancer, respiratory infection, decreased exercise tolerance, decreased respiratory function, bronchoconstriction, broncho-spasm and ear infections in children;
E. That persons who suffer ill effects from breathing side-stream or secondhand smoke may experience a loss of job productivity or may be forced to take periodic sick leave because of adverse reactions to same; and
F. That there are numerous and credible health studies suggesting that electronic smoking devices pose significant public health and safety risks and there are minimal federal and state regulations or controls over the use of electronic smoking devices; and
G. That by reason of the foregoing, the smoking of tobacco (or other weed or plant) or of an electronic smoking device is hazardous to the health of the general public.
(Adopted by initiative, dated 11/3/92 (part), Ord. 2465 §1)