7.12.040   Quarantine of animal which has bitten person - Destruction of rabid animal.
   Whenever it is shown that any animal has bitten any person, the owner or person having the custody or possession thereof shall, upon order of the animal control supervisor or the health officer, deliver such animal to the animal control supervisor or a licensed veterinarian who shall quarantine it and keep it tied up or confined for a period of two weeks. When the animal is delivered to a licensed veterinarian, the owner or person who delivers the animal shall be responsible for all of the costs of the confinement and care of the animal. The health officer may make an inspection or examination of any animal quarantined as herein provided for at any time. If it appears to the health officer, upon examination as aforesaid, or otherwise, that the animal has the rabies, the health officer shall have the animal destroyed forthwith.
(Prior code § 3.22 (Ord. 224 §1202, Ord. 1371 §9), Ord. 2268)