7.08.010 Designated.
7.08.020 Required - Impoundment generally.
7.08.030 Period - Expiration - Fees.
7.08.035 Late penalties.
7.08.040 Application.
7.08.050 Transfer.
7.08.060 Form.
7.08.070 Exhibition upon request.
7.08.080 Tags - How and where worn.
7.08.090 Tags - Counterfeit.
7.08.100 Tags - Replacement - Fee.
7.08.110 Running at large prohibited - Leash required.
7.08.120 Nuisances - Prohibited.
7.08.130 Nuisances - Designated.
7.08.140 Nuisances - Abatement.
7.08.145 Nuisances - Removal and disposal of dog feces from public property.
7.08.150 Designated.
For the purpose of this chapter and Section 7.12.080 or elsewhere in this title, certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
A. Breedable Condition. The condition of a female dog commonly referred to as being in heat.
B. Impounding Fees. Such fees shall be fixed by the city council by resolution, and required to be paid for the release of an impounded dog.
C. Leash. A flexible rope, strap, cord, or chain, not over six (6) feet in length, of such strength and design as to be capable of restraining the dog for which it is being used to lead or restrain.
D. Owner. Any person owning, possessing, keeping or controlling a dog within the city.
E. Private Premises. Any place or premises not publicly owned.
F. Public Place. Any public building, street, alley, sidewalk, park, way, or other premises publicly owned.
G. Rabies Area. That area within the state of California as determined by the Director of the State Department of Public Health, as provided by Division 3, Chapter 3 of the Health and Safety Code.
H. Rabies Vaccination. The injection with a canine rabies vaccine of a type approved under the provisions of Section 2606.4 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations.
I. Running at Large. The presence of any dog in or upon any public place, or any private place or premises without the consent of the owner or occupant of such private premises, unless restrained by a leash under the control of a person physically capable of retaining control of said dog, or tethered upon such private premises to a fixture in such manner as not to create a nuisance.
(Prior code § 3.96 (Ord. 993, Ord. 997, Ord. 2113 §2))