7.08.130   Nuisances - Designated.
   Without limitation as to the general provisions of Section 7.08.120, the following specific acts and conditions committed by a dog are hereby declared to be unlawful and to constitute a public nuisance, and the owner of a dog committing any of the following shall be subject to the penalties provided by this title:
   A.   Being in or upon any public building or public or private school grounds, except when authorized by appropriate officials, and excepting further, “seeing eye” dogs while guiding, in attendance with, or waiting for a blind person;
   B.   Annoying, harassing, nipping, mauling or biting any person or persons;
   C.   A female dog in breedable condition being within the city, except when confined in or upon the premises of its owner;
   D.   Damaging or destroying any property or thing of value;
   E.   Creating a disturbance in a neighborhood by howling, barking or making unusual noises;
   F.   Committing excretion on private property other than the property of its owner.
(Prior code § 3.37 (Ord. 832 §1, Ord. 993 §1))