5.16.110   Exclusive Franchise – Recyclable Organic Waste Collection.
   Each solid waste contractor issued an exclusive franchise to collect solid waste from single-family, two-family residential, and multi-family residential and/or commercial customers within the city pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be required to provide to single-family and two-family residential customers a curbside organic waste program, and to multi-family residential and commercial customers an organic waste recycling program within each multi-family or commercial complex, to allow for the separation and collection of organic waste as defined in section 8.04.010 of this code. At the election of each solid waste contractor, front yard or rear yard organic waste collection may be provided to each single-family and two-family customer.
   Single-family, two-family customers shall not be required by the provisions of this chapter to recycle their organic waste. However, for those customers who elect to recycle their organic waste, it shall be the responsibility of the customer to separate recyclable organic waste from their solid waste prior to collection of organic waste.
   Multi-family and commercial customers are required by the provisions of this chapter to recycle their organic waste in compliance with AB 1826. It shall be the responsibility of the multi-family and commercial customer to separate recyclable organic waste from their solid waste prior to collection of organic waste.
(Ord. 2497 §2)