5.16.190   Financial responsibility.
   A.   Each solid waste contractor issued an exclusive franchise pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall maintain in full force and effect public liability insurance obtained from one or more insurance companies licensed to do business in the state of California which has combined single limits of at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000) and provides coverage for any liabilities arising out of the operation of a solid waste collection business within the city, including but not limited to any liabilities arising out of the operation of a vehicle engaged in the collection of solid waste within the city. Such insurance coverage shall be evidenced by a certificate of insurance or such other form of documentation of insurance coverage as may be acceptable to the city manager, executed by an authorized official of the insurer or insurers. In addition to the coverage hereinbefore provided for, such certificate of insurance or other documentation of insurance coverage shall provide that the city, its boards and commissions, and members thereof, its officers, employees and agents are named as additional insureds under the coverage afforded, that the coverage afforded is primary to any other insurance coverage which may be available to the city, and that the insurer or insurers will provide to the city at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of cancellation or material change in coverage.
   B.   The city manager may, based on an increase in the Consumer Price Index or by reason of the number or types of claims which have or might result from the operations of a particular solid waste contractor within the city, require such solid waste contractor to increase the limits of the public liability insurance coverage required by this section; provided that the city manager shall serve such solid waste contractor with a notice of any required increase in its limits of public liability insurance coverage at least thirty (30) days prior to the date that such insurance must be in effect.
(Ord. 2497 §2)