5.16.030   Exclusive Franchise exceptions.
   The following persons may collect solid waste without first obtaining a solid waste contractor's franchise agreement, contract, or collection service agreement.
   A.   A person engaged in a recycling business who charges no fee for the collection of source-separated recyclable solid waste;
   B.   A person engaged in a rendering business;
   C.   A person who removes such person's own solid waste or recyclable solid waste to an approved disposal or recycling facility;
   D.   A person who collects source-separated vegetable matter or food waste to use for animal food or composting without further processing or separation within city;
   E.   A person who operates a lawful business having waste material, or refuse residue, which is created by the nature of their work, and is collected, transported, and disposed of in the natural course of their business, including, but not limited to gardeners, tree trimmers, street sweepers, roofers, and construction or demolition contractors who clean up a construction or demolition project site and then transport the residual material resulting from the project to a disposal or recycling facility;
   F.   A person, acting as part of a recognized charitable or nonprofit organization as registered under the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California, who collects rubbish or recyclables in exchange for a donation; and
   G.   A person in the business of collecting or transporting hazardous waste as defined in State or Federal law or regulation.
(Ord. 2497 §2)