A. A parcel map is required for subdivisions resulting in less than five parcels not meeting the requirements for a minor land division, or maps in accordance with Section 66426 (a - e) of the Subdivision Map Act, resulting in five or more parcels, under any one of the following circumstances:
1. The land prior to division contains less than five acres, and each parcel created by the land division is adjacent to an improved public street or highway, and no additional improvements or dedications are required by city council.
2. All parcels resulting from the land division have a minimum area of 20 gross acres and have approved access to an improved public street or highway.
3. The divided land is zoned for commercial or industrial development and all parcels resulting from the land division have approved access to a public street or highway that has approval by the governing body for street widths and alignments.
4. All parcels resulting from the land division have a minimum area of 40 gross acres, or not less than a quarter of a quarter section.
5. The land proposed for division is intended for the creation of an environmental subdivision for biotic or wildlife purposes that meet the requirements of section 66418.2 of the Subdivision Map Act.
B. Parcel Map Process. Parcel maps are processed in the same manner as Final Maps as established in Section 18.07.050 of this title.
(Ord. 2591 (part))