18.07.050   Finance map.
   Finance map is a subdivision map which allow subdividers to organize large developments in manageable sites for financing purposes without authorizing new development of the land or any portion thereof. This process can be used to streamlineand minimize the conditions of approval, with the understanding that development rights will not be granted through this subdivision process. In certain instances, proceeding with this option could, in fact, remove development rights for an existing project or existing developable property.
   A.   A map prepared pursuant to this chapter may be submitted under any of the following circumstances:
      1.   The land to be subdivided is, at the time of submittal, developed in accordance with an approved and valid land use entitlement or permit;
      2.   The land to be subdivided is not developed and will be used for non-residential purposes; or
      3.   The land to be subdivided is not developed, is located within a previously approved specific plan or tentative map and will be used for residential purposes. Development of the land shall be consistent with the previously approved specific plan or tentative map or with a future subdivision map, as well as with any other land use entitlement or permit that may be required for the development.
      Land subdivided pursuant to divisions A.1. or A.2. of this section shall be subject to a future subdivision map or land use entitlement or permit prior to any development. A finance map shall not be processed as a vesting map.
   B.   Finance Map Process.
      1.   Review, processing, and approval of finance maps shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of section 18.07.020 (tentative subdivision maps) including the requirement for submittal of a tentative map and a final or parcel map, as applicable. The director may waive certain submittal requirements and standards not applicable to the review, processing, and approval of finance maps.
      2.   Each sheet of the finance map shall clearly state the following: "For finance purposes only. A future subdivision map or land use entitlement or permit shall be required prior to development of this property. This map does not remove any conditions of approval for separate land use entitlements or permits or tentative maps approved for this land."
      3.   The language contained in division B.2. of this section shall also be recorded via separate instrument in a manner approved by the city attorney.
      4.   Any development of the land shall require the approval of a subdivision map or a land use entitlement or permit or any combination thereof in accordance with applicable city ordinances and/or the Map Act.
      5.   All lots meet the minimum lot size requirements provided in the applicable zone to ensure compliance with all applicable development standards.
      6.   All lots have acceptable legal access either by lot configuration or by a separate recorded document. A conceptual engineering design shall be submitted to provide assurance that access can be designed and constructed.
      7.   There are no physical constraints which may affect the feasibility of future development on the land.
      8.   Conditions of approval related to public safety and zoning compliance may be imposed.
(Ord. 2591 (part))