7.24.030   Pet shop and kennel permit; required.
   Any person, firm, or corporation proposing to operate a pet shop or kennel shall first apply to Animal Services for a permit for such activity. A pet shop or kennel permit shall be granted only after Animal Services or designee has determined:
   A.   The pet shop or kennel meets the standards set forth in California Health and Safety Codes §§ 122350 et seq., is not in violation of Penal Code § 597, and meets the requirements set forth in § 7.24.110 ("Standard of Care Guidelines in Maintaining Pet Shop and Kennel") under this chapter;
   B.   The location of the pet shop or kennel is a permitted use under applicable city zoning laws and regulations, or the required zoning permits have been obtained, including, but not limited to, a variance and/or a conditional use permit; and
   C.   Has paid and/or is up to date with the current year's pet shop permit fee. The permit fee for a pet store shall be purchased annually and shall be due on January 2nd of each year.
(Ord. 2574 §1)