2.80.080   Commencement of appeal by filing a notice of appeal.
   All appeals from a decision, determination or order of a city board, commission, officer or employee which are made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be commenced by filing a notice of appeal in the office of the city clerk. Such notice shall be in the form and contain the following information:
   A.   The name, address and telephone number of the person making the appeal;
   B.   Identification of the board or commission, or name and title of the city officer or employee having made the decision or determination or having issued the order which is the subject of the appeal;
   C.   A description of the decision, determination or order which is the subject of the appeal, and the date such decision, determination or order was made or issued;
   D.   A brief description of all grounds for making the appeal; and
   E.   Such other information as may be required by the city clerk.
(Ord. 2004 §4 (part))