2.80.155   Preparation and transmittal of the record.
   A.   Upon the setting of a date for a hearing on an appeal, the secretary of the board or commission who made or issued the decision, or the officer or employee who made or issued the decision, determination of order which is the subject of the appeal shall promptly cause a record of the proceedings regarding the decision, determination or order to be prepared and transmit it to the city clerk. The city clerk shall cause the record of proceedings to be placed before the city council on or before the date set for the public hearing on the appeal. If the appeal is from a decision or determination of a city board or commission, the record of proceedings shall consist of a staff report summarizing the proceedings before the board or commission and all written documents or other evidence presented to the board or commission at the time it made its decision or determination. Similarly, if the appeal is from a decision, determination or order made or issued by a city officer or employee, the record of proceedings shall consist of a report of such officer or employee summarizing the decision and the basis for same, as well as all written documents and other evidence considered by the city officer or employee making or issuing the decision, determination or order.
   B.   The person having commenced an appeal, any other person interested in the outcome of the appeal, or the city manager, may cause a verbatim transcript to be made of any stenographic notes, audio recordings or television recordings of proceedings before the city board, commission, officer or employee having made or issued the decision, determination or order which is the subject of the appeal, all at the sole cost and expense of the person or entity requesting such transcript. Where such verbatim transcript is prepared and transmitted to the city clerk on or before the date set for the public hearing on the appeal, the transcript shall be included and considered by the city council as part of the record of proceeding on the appeal.
(Ord. 2373 §6)