Section 611.   Same - Adoption and publication.
   A.   No ordinance, other than an emergency ordinance, shall be adopted by the council within five days after its introduction, nor at other than a regular or an adjourned regular meeting. At the time of introduction, an ordinance shall become a part of the proceedings of said meeting in the custody of the city clerk’s office available for inspection and review by all interested persons during regular business hours and until such time as said ordinance is adopted and inserted in the records of the city for adopted ordinances as provided in this Charter. The city clerk need not so maintain a copy of any ordinance not adopted within six months of its introduction. No ordinance may be adopted more than six months after its introduction unless the same is again introduced as hereinabove provided. An ordinance may be introduced and adopted by the reading of the title only, provided that upon the request of any councilmember, and with the consent of a majority of the council present, an ordinance shall be read in full.
   B.   An ordinance altered or amended after its introduction and before adoption shall be re-introduced and shall not be adopted within five (5) days of its re-introduction. Corrections of typographical errors or clerical errors which do not change the intent expressed in the ordinance shall not be deemed alterations or amendments within the meaning of this subsection.
   C.   Every ordinance must be published in full or in summary, as authorized by State law; once in the official newspaper of the city, or in such other form as it may be sent to the voters. One copy of every ordinance introduced shall be posted by the clerk within twenty-four hours after introductory reading on the public bulletin board in the municipal building of the city, and another copy thereof shall be available in the council chambers during each meeting at which said ordinance is considered by the council for review by all persons interested therein.
(Municipal Election 11/7/00)