Section 614.   Same - Sale, exchange, lease or purchase of real property.
   The sale or exchange of real property owned by the city shall be authorized by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of at least five (5) members of the council, provided that this section shall not apply to properties dedicated to the City of Chico for park purposes by Annie E. K. Bidwell or Guy R. Kennedy, by deed or will, and such properties shall not be conveyed or exchanged.
   The purchase or lease (whether as lessor or lessee) of real property shall be approved by the council, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
(Res. No. 25 84-85 §4, Passed 11-6-84, Filed in Office of Secretary of State 1-3-85; Res. No. 111 89-90 §2, Passed 6-5-90, Filed in Office of Secretary of State 10-4-90; Measure L (part), Passed 11-2-04, Filed in Office of Secretary of State 12-9-04))