Section 610.   Ordinance - Title and enacting clause.
   The title of an ordinance shall be sufficient if it refers to the general subject matter of the provisions being enacted, amended or repealed, or to the general purpose of the ordinance, and it need not refer to the specific provisions affected or otherwise delineate or describe the particular additions, deletions or changes made by said ordinance. No ordinances shall be ineffective or void by reason of any defect in the title thereof. The introductory reading of said title shall constitute notice of all of the provisions of said ordinance set out in the copy of said ordinance maintained in the office of the city clerk.
   The enacting clause of every ordinance passed by the council shall be: “Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Chico.” Ordinances initiated by the people shall have an enacting clause: “Be it ordained by the People of the City of Chico.”
(Res. No. 84 74-75 §3(e), Passed 4-8-75, Filed in Office of Secretary of State 4-21-75)