Every permanent use, including a change or expansion of use, and structure shall have permanently maintained off-street parking areas in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Except for single-family dwellings, the design of all off-street parking areas shall be subject to architectural review. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for a use or structure until the improvements required by this chapter are satisfactorily completed and ready for use.
(Ord. 2442)
A. Deferral of Parking Installation. For non-residential developments of 10,000 square feet or more of gross floor area, the Director may approve deferral of one or more required off-street parking spaces to a future date. The applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Director, that the occupant(s) of the site will not need the required parking spaces and that the area temporarily occupied by landscaping or other aesthetic amenities can, in the future, be used for parking spaces. The Director may impose reasonable conditions, including the recordation of a legal agreement which would provide that the landscaping or other amenity is to be removed by the applicant and the off-street parking spaces are to be installed when they are needed to serve the use(s) on the site.
B. Recreational Vehicle Storage/Parking - Residential Areas. The storage of recreational vehicles and boats in residential zoning districts shall be allowed only in designated off-street parking areas outside the public right-of-way.
(Ord. 2442)
Each land use shall provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by this section, except where a different number of spaces is approved through an entitlement process.
A. Expansion of Structure, Change in Use. When the required number of parking spaces is increased by three or more spaces as a result of an expansion of a structure, intensification of use, and/or a change in use, the additional parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with this chapter. Exception: Single-family homes shall retain or provide the required number of parking spaces when a garage or carport is converted to a use other than vehicle parking. However, when a garage, carport or covered parking structure is demolished in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit, or is converted into an accessory dwelling unit, replacement of those off-street parking spaces shall not be required.
B. Multiple Uses/Tenants. A site or facility proposed for multiple tenants or uses shall provide the aggregate number of parking spaces required by this section for each separate use; except where a parking reduction is allowed in compliance with Section 19.70.050 (Reduction of off-street parking).
C. Parking Required by Entitlements, Development Agreements, and Specific Plans. Parking requirements established by planned development permits, use permits, development agreements, or specific plans, as established elsewhere in this code, shall supersede the provisions of this section.
D. Uses Not Listed. Land uses not specifically listed by this section shall provide parking as required by the Director or other review authority. In determining appropriate off-street parking requirements, the Director or review authority shall use the requirements of this section as a general guide in determining an acceptable number of off-street parking spaces.
E. Rounding of Quantities. When calculating the number of required parking spaces results in a fraction, the requirement shall be rounded down to the next whole number.
F. Excessive Parking. Off-street parking spaces in excess of these standards create large amounts of impervious surfaces that increase radiant heat and may have a negative aesthetic appearance. Parking spaces which exceed the minimum number of spaces required by more than 35 percent may be administratively approved by the Director when a combination of additional landscaping, pedestrian/bicycle improvements, and/or pervious surfaces are provided above those required by this chapter. The area for off-street parking on any parcel shall not exceed 75 percent of the site area.
G. Parking in the Downtown Parking Area. No parking is required for non-residential uses and projects creating less than 20 new residential units within the Downtown Parking Area. Parking for residential projects creating more than 20 new units within the Downtown Parking Area shall be provided at a rate consistent with Multi-Family housing in a Corridor Opportunity Site overlay zone as set forth in Table 5-4 below, or by land use entitlement. Off-site parking may be allowed consistent with 19.70.060 subsections G and H.

H. Parking Requirements by Land Use - Outside of the Downtown Parking Area. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be provided for each use as set forth in Table 5-4; additional spaces may be required through entitlement approval.
(Ord. 2442, Ord. 2494 §41, Ord. 2511, §12, Ord. 2600)
Land Use Type: Manufacturing & Processing | Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Machinery and equipment sales | 1 space for each 625 sq.ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 2,500 sq.ft. of outdoor sales or service area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Personal or mini-storage | 1 space for an on-site manager/ caretaker, plus 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of office space, with a minimum of 3 spaces. | 1 space. |
Recycling facilities (other than reverse vending machines and small collection centers) | If the facility is open to the public, an on-site parking and/or queuing area shall be provided for a minimum of 8 vehicles at any one time. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
1 employee parking space shall be provided on-site for each commercial vehicle operated by the processing center. | 10% of vehicle spaces. | |
Wholesale operations and light manufacturing plants | 1 space for each 1,250 sq.ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each on- site vehicle associated with the use. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Warehouses and storage buildings | 1 space for each 1,875 sq.ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each vehicle operated in connection with each on-site use. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Land Use Type: Recreation, Education, Public Assembly |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Land Use Type: Recreation, Education, Public Assembly |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Assembly uses, including theaters, meeting halls, and membership organizations, churches and other places of worship, mortuaries, community centers and pavilions | 1 space for each 5 fixed seats or 1 space for each 10 feet of benches, or 1 space for every 42 sq.ft. of gross assembly area, whichever is greater. | 10% of vehicle spaces for places of worship. |
Child day care centers | 1 space for each employee, and adequate drop-off area as approved by the Director. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Driving ranges | 1 space per tee; plus clubhouse spaces as required for restaurants, bars, indoor recreation/fitness centers. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Fitness gyms/studios with established maximum class size | 1 space for each 2 students of maximum class size. | 20% of vehicle spaces. |
Health/fitness clubs | 1 space for each 125 sq.ft. of workout floor area. | 20% of vehicle spaces. |
Indoor amusement/entertainment | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of customer floor area. | 20% of vehicle spaces. |
Libraries, museums, art galleries, post office | 1 space for each 500 sq.ft. of gross floor area plus 1 space per official vehicle. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Pool and billiard rooms | 2 spaces per game table, plus adequate space for ancillary uses. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Outdoor commercial recreation | Determined by use permit. | |
Schools (public and private) Elementary/Junior High | 1 space for each employee plus 1 space for each classroom, or 1 space for every 42 sq.ft. of gross auditorium assembly area, whichever is greater (1) | 1 space for every 4 students. |
High School | 1 space for each employee plus 1 space for every 4 students. (1) | |
Private College | 1 space for every 2 full-time students (part-time students included as equivalents). | |
Commercial trade or business schools | 1 space for every 200 sq.ft. of gross classroom floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Specialized Education/Training | 1 space for each 2 students. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Tennis/racquetball/handball or other courts | 2 spaces per court, plus as required for ancillary uses. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
(1) Elementary and high schools must provide an adequate student drop-off area as approved by the Director.
Land Use Type: Residential Uses |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Land Use Type: Residential Uses |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Dormitories, fraternities, sororities, and rooming/boarding houses | 1 space per 2 beds; minimum 4 spaces if located within a single-family residence. | 1 space per bedroom. |
Dwelling units located on flag lots, streets, or alleys without on-street parking | 1 additional space per dwelling unit shall be provided. | 1 space per unit, except that none is required for single-family dwellings. |
Dwelling units located on corner parcels with on-street parking on both frontages | Number of required spaces may be reduced by 1 space; no less than 1 space shall be provided. | 1 space per unit, except that none is required for single-family dwellings. |
Emergency shelter | 1 space for each employee. | None required. |
Large family day care homes | In addition to the required residential spaces, 1 space for each employee and one space for drop off and pickup. | None required. |
Mobile homes (in mobile home parks) | 2 spaces per mobile home. | Determined by use permit. |
Multi-family housing | Studio unit - 0.75 spaces per unit. | 1 space per unit. |
1 bedroom units - 1.25 spaces per unit. | ||
2 bedroom units - 1.75 spaces per unit. | ||
3 bedrooms or more - 2 spaces per unit. | ||
Guest parking - 1 space per each 5 units. | 1 space per 10 units. | |
Mixed-use developments | Determined by entitlement. | Determined by entitlement. |
Multi-family housing in a Corridor Opportunity Site overlay zone | Studio unit - 0.75 space per unit. | 1 space per unit. |
1 bedroom units - 1 space per unit. | ||
2 bedrooms or more - 1.5 spaces per unit. | ||
Senior housing projects | 1 space per 2 dwelling units; half the spaces shall be covered. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Single-family housing | 2 spaces per unit, as adjusted up or down by this table. | None required. |
Single-room occupancies and specific one-bedroom apartment units | 1 space per unit. | 20% of vehicle spaces. |
Studio apartments or single-room occupancies, designated for low or very low income households, restricted to these households for at least 30 years and located within 500 feet of an existing public transit route and/or commercial facilities supporting residential use | 1 space per 2 dwelling units. | 20% of vehicle spaces. |
Land Use Type: Retail Trade |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Land Use Type: Retail Trade |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Auto, mobile home, vehicle machinery and parts sales | 1 space for each 625 sq.ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 2,500 sq.ft. of outdoor display, sales, service area, plus 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area for the parts department. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Banks and financial services | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Drug stores/pharmacies, 20,000 sq. ft. or less | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Furniture, furnishings, appliances, and home equipment stores (with large showrooms) | 1 space for each 750 sq.ft. of gross floor area and 1 space for each company vehicle. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Plant nurseries | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of indoor display area, plus 1 space for each 1,250 sq.ft. of outdoor display area. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Restaurants, cafés, bars, and other eating/drinking places | 1 space for each 5 seats or 1 space for each 94 sq.ft. of customer floor area, including outside dining, whichever is greater. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Retail stores General merchandise | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area and 1 space for each company vehicle. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Warehouse retail | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area and 1 space for each company vehicle. | |
Shopping centers (shall use an unsegregated parking area) | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area for centers up to 30,000 sq.ft. and 1 space for each additional 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area greater than 30,000 sq.ft. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Land Use Type: Service Uses |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Land Use Type: Service Uses |
Vehicle Spaces Required | Bicycle Spaces Required (Minimum of 1 space) |
Bed and breakfast inns | 1 space for each guest room, in addition to the required parking for the residential use. | 1 space. |
Depots; air, bus, freight, or rail | Determined by use permit. | Determined by use permit. |
Gas stations | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of non- service floor area; plus 3 spaces for each service bay. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Hotels and motels | 1 space for each guest room and required spaces to accommodate ancillary uses. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Kennels and animal boarding | 1 space for each employee, plus 1 space for each 625 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Medical/dental offices | 1 space for each 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Extended care (elderly, skilled nursing facilities, and residential care homes) | 1 space for each 4 beds the facility is licensed to accommodate. | |
Hospitals | 1 space for each patient bed the facility is licensed to accommodate, plus required spaces for ancillary uses as determined by the Commission. | |
Medical/dental labs and clinics | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | |
Offices: administrative, corporate, industrial | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Personal services Barber/beauty shops (and other personal services: tattoo studios, massage therapy, and body piercing) | 1 space for each employee and 1 space for each service chair. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Laundromats | 1 space for every 4 washing machines. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
Repair and maintenance - vehicle Customer waiting service | 3 spaces per service bay plus adequate queuing lanes. | 1 space. |
Repair garage | 1 space for each 625 sq.ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 2,500 sq.ft. of outdoor service area, plus 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area for the parts department plus adequate queuing lanes. | 1 space. |
Self-service vehicle washing | 2 spaces per washing stall, for queuing and drying. | None required. |
Full-service vehicle washing | 10 spaces, plus adequate queuing and drying area. | 1 space. |
Laboratories and research/development facilities | 1 space for each 375 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 10% of vehicle spaces. |
Veterinary clinics and hospitals | 1 space per 250 sq.ft. of gross floor area. | 5% of vehicle spaces. |
(Ord. 2494 §41, Ord. 2511, §12, Ord. 2549, §8, Ord. 2600)
A. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces may be reduced as part of an entitlement approval or through subsequent approval of an administrative use permit. Applicants proposing a parking reduction shall provide documentation, including quantitative analysis, that justifies the proposed number of parking spaces based on the site and proposed land use(s). A reduction of off-street parking pursuant to this section may be allowed only if both of the following findings can be made:
1. The project site meets one of the following:
a. The site is zoned RMU or has a -COS overlay zone;
b. The site is located within an area of mixed-use development;
c. The project will implement sufficient vehicle trip reduction measures (such as vehicles loan programs and transit passes) to offset the reduction; or
d. The area is served by public transit, bicycle facilities, or has other features which encourage pedestrian access.
2. The proposed parking reduction is not likely to overburden public parking supplies in the project vicinity.
B. Non-Residential Shared Parking Reduction. Non-residential parking facilities may be shared if multiple uses on the same site cooperatively operate the facilities and if some uses generate parking demands primarily when other uses are not in operation. For example, where one use operates during evenings or weekdays only, or where patrons are likely to visit more than one use on a single trip. The applicant shall provide documentation, including a shared parking use analysis, to the satisfaction of the Director, justifying the requested shared parking reduction. Shared parking may be approved only if:
1. The number of spaces provided will meet the greatest parking demand of any participating use; and
2. Evidence, as deemed satisfactory by the Director, has been submitted by the parties operating the shared parking facility. The evidence shall describe the nature of the uses and the times when the uses operate so as to demonstrate the lack of potential conflict between them; and
3. Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be deemed necessary by the Director and approved by the City Attorney, are executed to ensure that the parking spaces provided are maintained and used as approved for the life of the non-residential development.
(Ord. 2442, Ord. 2494 §42, Ord. 2519 §27, Ord. 2600)
Off-street parking areas shall generally be provided outside of any public right-of-way in the following manner:
A. Access. Access to off-street parking areas shall be provided in the following manner:
1. Parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that all vehicles may enter an abutting street in a forward direction. Single-family homes and duplexes which gain access from local streets are exempt from this requirement and the Director may approve exceptions for other residential projects; and
2. A minimum unobstructed clearance height of 7 feet 6 inches shall be maintained above all areas accessible to vehicles.
B. Location. Off-street parking areas shall be located in the following manner:
1. In order to minimize the visual impact of vehicles, the parking areas other than single-family residential shall be located to the rear or side of the parcel, or appropriately screened from public views if located along the street frontages. The parking areas shall not be located within a sight distance area.
2. Uncovered off-street parking for single-family and duplex uses in residential zoning districts may be located in the setback areas only on an approved all-weather surface and not within front or street side yard landscaped areas.
3. Off-street parking for all uses outside the downtown area, except for single-family dwellings and duplexes, shall be located at least 10 feet behind the front and street-side property lines. The area between the parking area and the property line(s) shall be fully landscaped, except for point of access, and this landscaped area shall not be counted as meeting the minimum 5 percent interior landscape requirement.
4. Off-street parking in the DN, DS, RMU, and -COS zoning districts shall be located at least 5 feet behind the front and street-side property lines. The area between the parking area and the property lines shall be fully landscaped, except for point of access, and this landscaped area shall be counted as meeting the minimum 5 percent interior landscape requirement.
C. Parking Lot and Space Dimensions:
1. General Requirements. Minimum parking dimensions shall be as indicated in the following Table 5-5 and as illustrated by Figure 5-10.
Minimum Parking Stall Dimensions | |||||
Standard Stall | Compact Stall | Parallel Parking | |||
Length | Width | Length | Width | Length | Width |
20 feet, or 18 feet (1) | 9 feet | 16 feet, or 14 feet (1) | 8 feet | 22 feet | 9 feet |
(1) A maximum of 2 feet of the parking stall depth may coincide with sidewalk that is a minimum of six feet wide or landscape planters with low-growth, hearty materials.
One-Way Traffic and Single-Loaded Aisles
| |||
Parking angle (degrees)
| Stall depth, with bumper overhang
| Aisle width (travel lane)
| Total bay depth
30 | 17 feet | 13 feet (1) | 30 feet |
45 | 19 feet | 13 feet (1) | 32 feet |
60 | 20 feet | 16 feet (1) | 36 feet |
75 | 20 feet | 20 feet (1) | 40 feet |
90 | 20 feet | 24 feet (1) | 44 feet
(1) Aisle width may be 12 feet, where no adjacent angled parking exists.
One-Way Traffic and Double-Loaded Aisles
| |||
Parking angle (degrees)
| Stall depth, with bumper overhang
| Aisle width (travel lane)
| Total bay depth
30 | 18 feet | 13 feet (1) | 49 feet |
45 | 19 feet | 13 feet (1) | 51 feet |
60 | 20 feet | 16 feet (1) | 56 feet |
75 | 20 feet | 20 feet (1) | 60 feet |
90 | 20 feet | 24 feet (1) | 64 feet
(1) Aisle width may be 12 feet, where no adjacent angled parking exists.
Two-Way Traffic and Double-Loaded Aisles
| |||
Parking angle (degrees)
| Stall depth, with bumper overhang
| Aisle width (travel lane)
| Total bay depth
30 | 18 feet | 24 feet (1) | 60 feet |
45 | 19 feet | 24 feet (1) | 62 feet |
60 | 20 feet | 24 feet (1) | 64 feet |
75 | 20 feet | 24 feet (1) | 64 feet |
90 | 20 feet | 24 feet (1) | 64 feet
(1) Aisle width may be 20 feet, where no adjacent angled parking exists.
2. Compact Parking Spaces. When two or more off-street parking spaces are required by this chapter, up to one-half of the parking spaces proposed for a residential project may be compact spaces. Up to one-third of the spaces proposed for a non-residential project may be compact spaces. Each compact space shall be clearly marked as “compact.”
3. Dimensions for Private Garages. A minimum unobstructed inside dimension of 10 feet by 20 feet shall be maintained for a private one-car garage. A minimum unobstructed inside dimension of 20 feet by 20 feet shall be maintained for a private two-car garage, except that when one of the two spaces may be a compact space, water heaters, laundry facilities, shelves, and other fixtures commonly located in garages may project up to four feet into one of the two spaces so as to reduce its length to a minimum of 16 feet.
D. Drainage. All off-street parking/loading areas shall be designed and constructed:
1. So that surface water will not drain over any sidewalk or adjacent parcels. Drainage from a site to a street across a driveway may be approved; and
2. In compliance with the stormwater quality and quantity standards and the City’s Best Management Practices.

E. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided for all parking areas, as follows and as shown on Figure 5-11, unless otherwise specified in this chapter:
1. Area of Landscaping Required. Landscaping shall be provided in all buffer areas between property lines and the off-street parking areas, to properly screen vehicles from view and minimize the expansive appearance of these areas. A minimum of 5 percent of the total interior off-street parking area shall be landscaped, unless the review authority finds that a lesser or greater percentage would be compatible with the surrounding area.
Any landscaped buffer area required by these Regulations, along the perimeter of the parking areas, shall not be counted as meeting the minimum 5 percent interior landscape requirement. The total interior off-street parking area shall be computed by adding all areas used for access drives, aisles, stalls, and maneuvering within that portion of the site that is devoted to parking and circulation, excluding entrance drives.
2. Area of Shading Required. Trees shall be planted and maintained in planters or landscaped areas so that at tree maturity, 15 years, at least 50 percent of the total paving area, not including the entrance drives as depicted in Figure 5-11, parking areas under carports, or multi-story parking structures, shall be shaded at solar noon on June 21. This shading requirement shall not apply to the development of single family residences. On sites with compacted or poor soils and/or drainage, additional installation measures such as, but not limited to, soil amendments and over-excavation of planting holes, shall be required to ensure that the shading standard can be reached. Active solar arrays may be used in part to meet the shading requirement if approved in conformance with Chapter 19.18 (Site Design and Architectural Review).
a. Calculations. Shaded parking lot area is determined by using an appropriate percentage of crown square footages as indicated in the Sunset Western Garden Book. Overlapping canopies shall not count towards the calculation number.
b. Calculation Table. Landscape shading plans shall include a table that includes the following information:
(1) Botanical name and common names of trees;
(2) Total square feet of shade assumed for each tree;
(3) Total parking lot area to be shaded; and
(4) Total shade provided.
c. Shade Square Foot Bonuses: Trees planted on the western perimeter of parking lots and in linear planters with a minimum width of six feet and a minimum length of 36 feet shall receive a 10 percent square foot shade bonus for each tree canopy.
d. Exceptions. Exceptions from the fifty percent shading requirement may be made under extraordinary circumstances where project design or site conditions preclude attainment of the standard. Such a deviation from the standard shall be supported by a finding that the project has been demonstrated to be of greater quality or community benefit than might occur with a conventional development proposal.
3. Perimeter Landscaping:
a. Adjacent to Streets. Parking areas, for other than single family residential and residential duplex uses, adjoining a public right-of-way shall be designed to provide a landscaped planting strip between the right-of way and parking area a minimum of 5 feet in depth in the DN, DS, RMU and -COS zoning districts, and a minimum of 10 feet in all other zoning districts. Any planting, sign, or other structure within a sight distance area of a driveway shall not exceed 36 inches in height, with the exception of street trees.
b. Adjacent to Residential Use. When a parcel is developed with three or more dwelling units, parking located in a rear or interior side yard adjoining any parcel in the RS or R1 zoning district shall be set back at least 6 feet from the common property line, with a landscaped planter as a buffer. Parking areas for non-residential uses adjoining residential uses shall be designed to provide a landscaped planter with a minimum 10-foot width between the parking area and the common property line bordering the residential use. A fence or wall shall be constructed along the property line, in compliance with Subsection J (Screening), below. These requirements shall not apply to a property line in common with an alley.
4. Interior Landscaping:
a. Planter Strips Between Parking Aisles. Planter strips and islands shall be, at a minimum, 6 feet wide, measured inside the curbing, in an amount to fulfill the 50 percent shading and parking landscaping requirement. Adequate pedestrian paths shall be provided throughout the landscaped areas. Clustering of trees may be approved by the Director or review authority.
b. Areas Not Used for Parking. Areas in a parking lot not used for driveways, maneuvering areas, parking spaces, or walks shall be landscaped and permanently maintained.
5. Curbing, Irrigation. All areas containing plant materials shall be bordered by a concrete curb at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide and provided with an approved automatic irrigation system. An alternative barrier design to protect landscaped from vehicle damage may be approved by the Director.
F. Lighting. Multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the on-site structures. Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be shielded and directed downward, away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 19.60.050 (Exterior lighting). See Figure 5-12.

G. On-Site Location Required. On-Site Location Required. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the main use or structure unless granted an administrative use permit in compliance with Chapter 19.25 (Administrative Use Permits) and Subsection H (Off-Site Location Requirements), below.
H. Off-Site Location Requirements. The following requirements shall apply to providing off-street parking at an off-site location:
1. A portion or all of the required off-street spaces, including required access, may be located on any parcel within 500 feet of the site;
2. The approval shall be based on accessibility to the main use or structure, and the use and development of the neighboring parcel(s);
3. The applicant shall provide evidence, as deemed satisfactory by the Zoning Administrator, that a suitable long-term lease or other binding agreement can be executed and recorded which would guarantee that the parcel containing the main use or structure has an irrevocable right to utilize the identified parcel for parking; and
4. This provision shall not apply where joint use parking and/or access are included as part of a subdivision approval.
I. Residential Guest Parking. Guest parking in residential zoning districts shall be so designated and restricted, with appropriate signs/pavement markings, for the exclusive use of the guests.
J. Screening. Multi-family, commercial, manufacturing, and public parking areas abutting residentially zoned parcels shall have a wood fence or decorative masonry wall, not less than 6 feet high, to properly screen the parking areas, subject to approval by the Director. The Director may waive or modify this requirement to protect the views of adjacent residences. Wall treatments shall occur on both sides.
K. Striping and Marking. Parking stalls shall be identified by stripes of paint, or other durable striping material specified and approved by the Director, on the parking lot surface. Double stripes may be used. Parallel spaces shall be marked with single lines.
L. Surfacing. All off-street parking areas, including driveways and maneuvering areas, shall be paved with all-weather surfacing and provided with storm drainage facilities subject to the approval of the public works director. All-weather surfacing shall be portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete, or double chip seal. Porous surface materials which may reduce stormwater runoff may be used subject to review and approval of the public works director.
M. Tandem Parking. Tandem parking may be allowed to satisfy off-street parking requirements for single-family dwellings or duplexes located on local residential streets or private streets. Tandem parking may be allowed to satisfy off-street parking requirements for multi-family dwellings only when the required maneuvering area is entirely on-site and vehicles are able to exit the property in a forward direction, subject to review authority approval.
N. Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide shall be provided for all parking spaces located adjacent to fences, walls, property lines, and structures. All parking lots shall have curbing around all parking areas and aisle planters in compliance with Subsection E (Landscaping), above. Individual wheel stops may be used in lieu of continuous curbing when the parking stall is adjacent to a landscaped area and the drainage is directed to the landscaped area. Wheel stops shall be maintained to provide protection of landscaped areas and structures.
(Ord. 2442, Ord. 2494 §43, Ord. 2519 §28)
Driveways providing access to off-street parking spaces shall be from an improved street, alley or other right-of-way, and shall be designed, constructed, and maintained as follows:
A. Number of Access Points. One driveway access for each ownership shall be allowed unless the public works director determines that more than one access is required to handle traffic volumes or specific designs, including residential circular driveways. Additional access shall not be allowed if it is determined to be detrimental to traffic flow and the safety of adjacent public streets. Whenever a property has access to more than one road, access shall be generally limited to the lowest volume road where the impact of a new access will be minimized. Construction of access from private property to a public street shall require an encroachment permit in compliance with Chapter 14.08 of the Municipal Code.
B. Adjacent Site Access. Applicants for non-residential developments should be encouraged to provide cross-access to adjacent non-residential properties for convenience, safety, and efficient circulation of motor vehicles.
C. Location of Access.
1. Distance From Street Intersections. No portion of a driveway access shall be allowed within curb returns. The edge of the access shall be more than 10 feet from the end of curb return for single-family residential developments. For all other developments, this distance shall be more than 100 feet. Where the parcel size does not permit the access to be located 100 feet from the end of curb return, the access shall be located the maximum distance possible from the end of the curb return, subject to the approval of the public works director. This distance does not include the 3-foot transition or wing sections on each side of the driveway. Access in proximity to a controlled intersection shall be subject to the approval of the public works director.
2. Driveway Spacing. Driveways shall be separated at the street frontage as follows:
a. Single-Family and Duplex Residential Development. Where two or more driveways serve adjacent single-family or duplex residential parcels, the nearest points of the two driveways shall be separated by at least 6 feet, unless a shared, single driveway is approved by the Director. The 6-foot separation does not include the 3-foot transition or wing sections on each side of the driveway.
b. Multi-Family and Non-Residential Development. Where two or more driveways serve the same or adjacent multi-family or non-residential development, the centerlines of accesses shall be separated by at least 200 feet on streets with design speeds at or below 30 mph and 300 feet on streets with design speeds above 30 mph. Any exception to these standards shall be subject to the approval of the public works director.
c. Corner and Double Frontage Parcels. For corner and double frontage residential parcels, other than single-family and duplex residential, one access on each frontage may be allowed if it is determined by the public works director that two driveways are needed to provide safe access for traffic entering and leaving the parcel because of sight distance and geometric design considerations.
3. Driveway Alignments - Commercial Development. Where commercial parcels are not large enough to allow accesses on opposite sides of the street to be aligned, the center of driveways not in alignment shall be offset a minimum of 150 feet on all collector roads, and 300 feet on all major and arterial roads. Greater distances may be required, if needed, for left-turn storage lanes. Exceptions to these standards shall be subject to the approval of the public works director.
D. Driveway Width and Length.
1. Residential zoning districts. Driveway dimensions in the residential zoning districts shall be consistent with Title 18R (Design Criteria and Improvement Standards). The minimum length of a single-family driveway shall be 20 feet to permit a vehicle to park in the driveway without blocking the sidewalk. Where access to a garage, carport, or open parking space is perpendicular (90 degrees) to the driveway, a minimum 24-foot deep unobstructed back-out area shall be provided.
2. Commercial and Manufacturing Zoning Districts. Driveway dimensions shall be consistent with Title 18R (Design Criteria and Improvement Standards).
E. Clearance from Appurtenances. The nearest edge of any driveway curb cut shall be at least 3 feet from the nearest property line, except where the review authority has approved a shared driveway between two parcels, the centerline of a fire hydrant, utility pole, drop inlet, and/or appurtenances, traffic signal installations, light standards, or other facilities. The nearest edge of any driveway shall also be at least 5 feet from the nearest projection of this type of installation.
F. Sight Distance at Driveways. At least 150 feet of clear sight distance shall be provided for all access onto local streets, 250 feet for collector streets, and 450 feet for arterial streets, or as approved by the public works director.
G. Fire Department Access. For multi-family residential and non-residential development, minimum clear turning radii shall be provided within parking lot and access aisles for Fire Department vehicles.
H. Signs. All exits from parking lots shall be provided with adequate traffic control as approved by the public works director.
(Ord. 2442, Ord. 2494 §44, Ord. 2519 §29)