16.02.060   Administrative review of determination or action of building official by director.
   A.   Right to Administrative Review. Any person aggrieved by a determination made or action taken by the building official under the building regulations adopted by this chapter, may apply to the director for administrative review of such determination or action.
   B.   Applications for Administrative Review. Applications for the administrative review of a determination made or action taken by a building official shall be in writing and shall be filed in the office of the director no later than 15 days following the date such determination or action was made or taken, or where a written notice of such determination or action is required to be served, the date such notice is served, provided that the director may extend the time for filing an application for good cause shown. In addition to setting forth a request for administrative review of a determination made or action taken by the building official, such application shall contain a brief statement of the reasons why the applicant believes that such determination or action does not comply with the building regulations adopted by this title and the relief requested by the applicant from such determination or action.
   C.   Decision on Application for Administrative Review. Upon the filing of an application for administrative review of a determination made or action taken by the building official, the director shall consider the application and render a decision either affirming the determination or action of the building official or reversing or modifying such determination or action. Prior to rendering a decision, the director may, with sole discretion, convene an informal hearing for the purpose of reviewing evidence or hearing arguments bearing on such decision, provided notice of the date, time, and place of such hearing is served a reasonable time prior to such hearing on the applicant and any other person who would be aggrieved by a decision reversing or modifying the determination or action of the building official and who has filed with the director a written request for notice of such decision. After rendering a decision the director shall promptly inform the building official of the decision and cause a notice of the decision to be served on the applicant and any other person who would be aggrieved by a decision reversing or modifying the determination or action of the building official and who has filed with the director a written request for notice of such decision.
   D.   Stay of Determination Made or Action Taken by Building Official Pending Administrative Review. Any determination made or action taken by the building official, save and except for an order revoking a permit, an order to stop work on a building or structure, building service equipment or sign, an order to vacate a building or structure, or an order to disconnect building service equipment which is made by the building official pursuant to Chapter 16.16 of this title, shall be stayed pending a decision of the director on an application for administrative review of such determination or action.
(Ord. 1646 §1 (part), Ord. 2012 §3 (part), Ord. 2268, Ord. 2364 §317)