16.02.040   Maintenance of building records.
   A.   The building official shall maintain an official copy, which may be on microfilm or another type of photographic copy, of the approved plans and specifications for every building or structure for which a permit has been issued pursuant to Chapter 16.10 of this title throughout the life of such building or structure; except that the building official need not maintain copies of approved plans and specifications for the following buildings or structures:
      1.   Single or multiple family dwellings not more than two stories and a basement in height;
      2.   Garages and other structures appurtenant to single or multiple family dwellings;
      3.   Farm or ranch buildings; and
      4.   Any one story building, other than steel frame or concrete buildings where the span between framed walls does not exceed 25 feet.
   B.   The official copy of all approved plans and specifications maintained by the building official pursuant to the provisions of this section, other than plans and specifications for banks, other financial institutions, or public utilities, shall be public records and open for inspection at the office of the building official. Provided that official copies of approved plans and specifications may not be duplicated, in whole or in part, except with the written permission of the certified, licensed, or registered professional or a successor, if any, who signed the original plans and specifications and a written permission of the owner of such building, or by order of a proper court.
(Ord. 1646 §1 (part), Ord. 2268)