14B-31-3101 General.
14B-31-3102 Membrane structures.
14B-31-3103 Temporary structures.
14B-31-3104 Pedestrian walkways and tunnels.
14B-31-3105 Awnings and canopies.
14B-31-3106 Marquees.
14B-31-3107 IBC Section 3107.
14B-31-3108 Telecommunication and broadcast towers.
14B-31-3109 Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.
14B-31-3110 Automatic vehicular gates.
14B-31-3111 Solar energy systems.
14B-31-3112 Greenhouses.
14B-31-3113 IBC Section 3113.
14B-31-3114 Fences.
The provisions of Section 3101 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Revise Section 3101.1 to read:
"3101.1 Scope.
The provisions of this chapter shall govern special construction including membrane structures, temporary structures, pedestrian walkways and tunnels, automatic vehicular gates, awnings and canopies, marquees, towers, antennas swimming pool enclosures and safety devices, solar energy systems, greenhouses and fences."
The provisions of Section 3102 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise Section 3102.1 by replacing "the International Fire Code" with "Section 3103."
2. Revise Section 3102.3, excluding its exception, to read:
"3102.3 Type of construction.
Noncombustible membrane structures shall be classified as Type IIB construction. Noncombustible frame or cable-supported structures covered by a membrane in accordance with Section 3102.3.1 shall be classified as Type IIB construction. Other membrane structures shall be classified as Type VB construction."
3. Revise Section 3102.8.1.1 to read:
"3102.8.1.1 Auxiliary inflation system.
In addition to the primary inflation system an auxiliary inflation system shall be provided with sufficient capacity to maintain the inflation of the structure in case of primary system failure. The auxiliary inflation system shall operate automatically when there is a loss of internal pressure and when the primary blower system becomes inoperative."
4. Revise item 5 of Section 3102.8.1.2 to read:
"5. Blower inlets shall be located to provide protection from air contamination. The location of inlets shall be shown on the construction documents."
The provisions of Section 3103 of IBC are not adopted. The following is adopted as Section 3103:
"3103.1 General.
The provisions of Sections 3103.1 through 3103.3 shall apply to temporary structures. Structures erected on the same site for more than 180 days within a 12-month period shall comply with provisions of this code applicable to permanent structures.
1. Temporary structures associated with ongoing construction activity shall not be subject to the 180-day limit.
2. Membrane structures that are erected on occupiable rooftops, exterior balconies, decks or similar structures for any period of time shall be regulated as permanent membrane structures in accordance with Section 3102 unless otherwise approved by the building official.
3103.1.1 Conformance.
Temporary structures and uses shall conform to the structural strength, fire safety, means of egress, accessibility, light, ventilation and sanitary requirements of this code as necessary to ensure public health, safety and general welfare except as modified by this section.
3103.1.2 Fire protection.
Temporary structures and uses shall be protected from fire hazards in accordance with Sections 3103.1.2.1 and 3103.1.2.2.
3103.1.2.1 Portable fire extinguishers.
Temporary structures exceeding 600 square feet (56 m2) in floor area or where cooking will occur within 20 feet (6096 mm) of the structure shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers in accordance with Section 905, and no less than one.
3103.1.2.2 Emergency lighting.
Temporary structures exceeding 1,000 square feet (93 m2) in floor area that will be used for a period longer than 48 hours shall be provided with an emergency lighting system complying with Article 700 of the Chicago Electrical Code.
3103.1.3 Means of egress.
Temporary structures shall be provided with means of egress in accordance with Chapter 10. For temporary structures exceeding 600 square feet (56 m2) in floor area, a dimensioned exit plan, showing aisles, seating and other furnishings, shall be provided as part of the permit application. Temporary structures exceeding 1,000 square feet (93 m2) in floor area shall be provided with illuminated exit signs.
3103.1.4 Structural requirements.
Temporary structures shall not be required to be designed for seismic forces. Temporary structures installed for 6 weeks or less shall be designed to withstand at least 56 percent of the wind loads applicable to permanent structures. Temporary structures installed for more than 6 weeks shall be designed to withstand at least 64 percent of the wind loads applicable to permanent structures. Temporary structures shall be allowed to be designed for reduced environmental forces, such as snow loads and ice loads, based on limited seasonal exposure. Where temporary structures do not meet all structural requirements applicable to permanent structures, the building official may issue a conditional permit requiring monitoring of weather conditions and allowing the structure to be used up to a specified wind velocity or under other applicable climatic limitations.
3103.1.5 Sanitary requirements.
Temporary structures and uses shall be provided with temporary sanitary facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Chicago Plumbing Code.
3103.1.6 Electrical equipment and wiring.
Electrical equipment and wiring shall comply with the Chicago Electrical Code.
3103.2 Temporary tents and membrane structures.
Temporary tents and other membrane structures shall comply with Sections 3103.2.1 through 3103.2.4.
3103.2.1 Location.
Temporary tents and membrane structures shall not be erected within 12 feet (3658 mm) of existing buildings or property lines.
1. A temporary covered passageway, no more than 8 feet (2438 mm) wide, with open or enclosed sides, may be provided to connect temporary structures to existing buildings.
2. Temporary structures need not be separated from existing buildings where the aggregate floor area of temporary structures does not exceed 5,000 square feet (465 m2) and the temporary structure will not impede required means of egress for the existing building.
3103.2.2 Flame propagation.
The permit application shall be accompanied by a certificate of fire resistance executed by an approved agency certifying that the structure meets the flame propagation performance requirements of NFPA 701. If the treatment indicated on the certificate is not of the permanent type, the certificate shall be dated within 360 days preceding the last date of intended use. If the tent fabric is certified as having been rendered permanently fire resistant during manufacture, or is made of an inherently fire resistant fabric, then the certificate shall be dated no earlier than seven years prior to the last date of intended use. The certificate shall indicate the type of fabric and method of compliance with NFPA 701.
3103.2.2.1 Label.
Membrane structures and their components shall have a permanently affixed label bearing the identification of size and fabric or material type.
3103.2.3 Certification.
The permit application shall be accompanied by a certificate providing all of the following information relative to the flame propagation performance criteria of the fabric:
1. The name and address for the owner of the structure.
2. Date the fabric was last treated with flame-retardant solution, if applicable.
3. Trade name or kind of chemical used in treatment.
4. Name of person or firm treating the material.
5. Name of testing agency and test standard by which the fabric was tested.
A copy of the certificate must be kept on site and made available to the building official or fire code official.
3103.2.4 Liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas).
Liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas) tanks shall not be permitted inside of or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of temporary tents and membrane structures.
3103.2.5 Air-supported and air-inflated structures.
Temporary air-supported structures and air-inflated structures shall comply with Sections 3103.2.5.1 through 3103.2.5.3.
3103.2.5.1 Design.
The design and construction of the fabric envelope and the method of anchoring shall be in accordance with Architectural Fabric Structures Institute FSAAS.
3103.2.5.2 Blowers.
An air-supported structure containing occupiable space shall be furnished with not less than two blowers, each of which has adequate capacity to maintain full inflation pressure with normal leakage. The design of the blower shall be so as to provide integral limiting pressure at the design pressure specified by the manufacturer.
3103.2.5.3 Inflation system.
Temporary structures with an occupant load greater than 100 shall also comply with Section 3102.8.
3103.3 Temporary structures other than tents and membrane structures.
Temporary structures, other than tents and other membrane structures, shall comply with Sections 3103.3.1 and 3103.2.
3103.3.1 Location.
Temporary structures of combustible construction shall not be erected within 12 feet (3658 mm) of existing buildings or property lines.
1. A temporary covered passageway, no more than 8 feet (2438 mm) wide, with open or enclosed sides, may be provided to connect temporary structures to existing buildings.
2. Temporary structures need not be separated from existing buildings where the aggregate floor area of temporary structures does not exceed 5,000 square feet (465 m2) and the temporary structure will not impede required means of egress for the existing building.
3103.3.2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas).
Liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas) tanks shall not be permitted inside of or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of temporary structures of combustible construction."
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 34; Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 94; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. II, § 26)