* Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VII, § 17, revised the title for Chapter 13-112, which formerly pertained to hazardous use units.
Article I. General Provisions
13-112-010 Reserved.
13-112-020 Reserved.
13-112-030 Reserved.
13-112-040 Types of occupancies.
13-112-050 Classification of occupancies.
13-112-060 Hazardous use rooms.
Article II. Buildings of Mixed Occupancies
13-112-070 Reserved.
13-112-080 Auxiliary business use.
13-112-090 Reserved.
13-112-100 Reserved.
13-112-110 Reserved.
Article III. Rooms and Floor Areas
13-112-120 Reserved.
13-112-130 Reserved.
13-112-140 Rooms prohibited in basements.
13-112-150 Lot occupancy.
13-112-160 Reserved.
13-112-170 Reserved.
13-112-180 Reserved.
13-112-190 Reserved.
13-112-200 Conveyors and ducts.
13-112-210 Heating.
13-112-220 Heat piping.
13-112-230 Licenses, certificates of fitness, permits and bonds.
Article IV. Means of Exit
13-112-240 Reserved.
13-112-250 Exits near openings.
13-112-260 Distance to exits.
13-112-270 Number of exits.
13-112-280 Vertical means of exit.
13-112-290 Dry cleaning building.
13-112-300 Film examining or repairing rooms.
13-112-310 Reserved.
Article V. Artificial Lighting and Exit Signs
13-112-320 Reserved.
13-112-330 Reserved.
13-112-340 Exit signs.
13-112-350 Reserved.
ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS (13-112-010 et seq.)
The following types of occupancy shall be included as hazardous use units as defined in Section 13-56-210 of this Code:
Asphalt, tar, pitch and resin heating rooms;
Corrosion liquid storage buildings;
Dip tank;
Dry cleaning buildings;
Fume or flammable compressed gas buildings and rooms;
Grain bleachers;
Grain elevators;
Grinding and dust producing rooms;
Hazardous chemical rooms and storage buildings;
Highly flammable materials storage buildings and rooms;
Highly toxic materials storage buildings and rooms;
Japanning and enameling rooms;
Lumber dry kilns;
Malt houses and similar buildings;
Motion picture trial exhibition rooms;
Motion picture studios;
Nitrocellulose products buildings and rooms including certain rooms in motion picture film exchanges;
Nitrocellulose buildings;
Oxidizing materials buildings and rooms;
Paint mixing rooms for other than water base paint;
Paint spraying of other than water base paint;
Picker or shredder rooms;
Potentially explosive chemicals;
Rooms for storage or baling of waste paper;
Smoke houses and smoke rooms;
Standard drying rooms;
Tanks or structures for the storage of hazardous materials;
Industrial properties with occupancies such as:
Artificial flowers,
Artificial and imitation leather,
Carpet linings,
Cereal food, flour, grist and starch mills,
Cotton batting,
Cotton clothing,
Cotton rag sorting,
Cotton waste,
Feather renovating or processing,
Flammable liquids,
Shoddy mills,
Straw goods,
Sugar grinding,
(Prior code § 60-4)