Every conveyor or duct between any hazardous use unit and any other building, or any other room in the same building, shall have an automatic closing noncombustible damper at each opening through any required fire separation, except as otherwise permitted under Section 15-24-850. Every such damper for a conveyor shall meet the requirements of Section 15-28-1190 of this Code.
(Prior code § 60-20)
No direct-gas-fired makeup-air heater may be located in any hazardous use room, nor may the discharge from a direct-gas-fired makeup-air heater be directed into a hazardous use room unless the unit shall be designed to insure that flow velocity at the outlet of the unit can never fall below 200 feet per minute, in order that there can be no possibility of backflow of air from the room.
(Prior code § 60-21)
Nothing in the provisions of this Code shall be construed as preventing the carrying of any piping containing any substance having a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit or less through any special room or hazardous use unit; provided, however, that such piping shall be installed with tight fitting sleeves to prevent the passage of any gas or vapor around such pipe through any enclosing walls, floors or ceilings.
(Prior code § 60-22)
For licensing provisions, certificate of fitness requirements, permits required and indemnity bonding requirements, see Chapter 15-4 of this Code.
(Prior code § 60-23)
ARTICLE IV. MEANS OF EXIT (13-112-240 et seq.)
In no case shall any path of exit travel from any point in any building to a way of departure outside of the building, pass directly in front of or immediately over any window, or other wall ventilating opening, or any skylight or any opening in any vent flue for any hazardous use unit which is less than 24 feet distant therefrom; provided, however, that it shall be permissible for any means of exit to pass directly in front of or directly over any fire window or non- combustible door in any such hazardous use unit.
(Prior code § 60-25)