Ch. 13-4 Definitions
Ch. 13-8 Reserved
Ch. 13-9 Reserved
Ch. 13-10 Reserved
Ch. 13-11 Reserved
Ch. 13-12 Enforcement of Building, Electrical and Fire Regulations
Ch. 13-14 Reserved
Ch. 13-16 Reserved
Ch. 13-20 Building Inspection
Ch. 13-24 Reserved
Ch. 13-28 Reserved
Ch. 13-32 Reserved
Ch. 13-34 Reserved
Ch. 13-36 Reserved
Ch. 13-40 Reserved
Ch. 13-44 Reserved
Ch. 13-48 Reserved
Ch. 13-52 Reserved
Ch. 13-56 Reserved
Ch. 13-60 Reserved
Ch. 13-64 Reserved
Ch. 13-68 Business Units
Ch. 13-72 Condominiums
Ch. 13-76 High Rise Buildings
Ch. 13-78 High-Rise Buildings – Emergency Procedure
Ch. 13-80 Institutional Units
Ch. 13-84 Assembly Units
Ch. 13-88 Reserved
Ch. 13-92 Reserved
Ch. 13-96 Miscellaneous Buildings and Structures
Ch. 13-100 Reserved
Ch. 13-104 Reserved
Ch. 13-108 Reserved
Ch. 13-112 Hazardous Occupancies
Ch. 13-116 Reserved
Ch. 13-120 Reserved
Ch. 13-124 Reserved
Ch. 13-128 Reserved
Ch. 13-132 Reserved
Ch. 13-136 Reserved
Ch. 13-140 Reserved
Ch. 13-144 Reserved
Ch. 13-148 Reserved
Ch. 13-152 Reserved
Ch. 13-156 Reserved
Ch. 13-160 Reserved
Ch. 13-164 Reserved
Ch. 13-168 Reserved
Ch. 13-172 Reserved
Ch. 13-176 Reserved
Ch. 13-180 Reserved
Ch. 13-184 Reserved
Ch. 13-192 Reserved
Ch. 13-196 Reserved
Ch. 13-200 Reserved
Ch. 13-204 Reserved
Ch. 13-206 Reserved
Ch. 13-208 Temporary Overnight Shelters
Ch. 13-212 Transitional Shelters
13-4-010 Definitions.
For the purpose of this Code, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
Accepted Engineering Practice. "Accepted engineering practice" shall be the compliance with the building provisions of this Code or, in the absence of such provisions, with the recognized standards of governmental bureaus or authoritative technical organizations.
"Accessory use" means a building or structure, the use of which is incidental to the main building or structure and is located on the same lot.
"Addition" means any construction which increases the area or cubic content of a building or structure.
"Aisle" means a passageway between rows of seats, or between rows of seats and a wall in a place of assembly, or between desks, tables, counters or other materials, or between such articles or materials and a wall in other rooms or spaces.
Aisle, Longitudinal. In a place of assembly, a "longitudinal aisle" is approximately perpendicular to the rows of seats served thereby.
Aisle, Transverse. In a place of assembly, a "transverse aisle" is an aisle approximately parallel to the rows of seats.
"Alteration" means any change in the occupancy classification or any change or modification of construction or space arrangement in any existing building or structure not increasing the area or cubic content thereof. "Alteration" also means any change which decreases the area or cubic content of a building.
Antenna Tower, Wireless Communication. A "wireless communication antenna tower" includes all structures related to the use of the radio frequency spectrum for the purposes of transmitting or receiving radio signals, and may include, but is not limited to radio towers, television towers, telephone exchanges- microwave relay towers, telephone transmission equipment building and personal communication systems (p.c.s.).
"Apartment building" means a multiple dwelling or part thereof designed or used primarily for family unit occupancy and containing three or more family units.
"Approved" means the sanction and endorsement by the commissioner of buildings under the provisions of the code or the rules adopted thereunder.
Assembly Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-070.
Assembly Unit, Large. For definition see Section 13-56-080.
Assembly Unit, Small. For definition see Section 13-56-090.
Atrium. For definition see Section 13-76-105.
Auxiliary Use. For definition see Section 13-56-250.
"Balcony" means:
(a) An exterior auxiliary floor space projecting from the exterior wall of an enclosed structure and unenclosed by other than a railing or parapet;
(b) As applied to places of assembly, a seating level located above main floor of an auditorium.
"Basement" means a story of a building partly or wholly below grade.
"Bed-and-breakfast establishment" means an owner-occupied, single-family residential building or an owner-occupied, multiple-family dwelling that does not exceed four stories in height and contains no more than 11 sleeping rooms, or an owner-occupied condominium, townhouse or cooperative in which 11 or fewer sleeping rooms are available for rent or for hire for transient occupancy by registered guests. For purposes of this definition: the term "bed-and-breakfast establishment" does not include single-room occupancy buildings as defined in Section 13-4-010. If the bed-and-breakfast establishment is a single-family residential building located on a lot that includes a principal house and an accessory building that was being used for residential purposes as of January 16, 2003, the accessory building shall be considered to be part of the establishment.
Boardinghouse. For definition see "Hotel".
"Building" means a structure, or part thereof, enclosing any occupancy including residential, institutional, assembly, business, mercantile, industrial, storage, hazardous and miscellaneous uses. When separated by fire walls, each unit so separated shall be deemed a separate building.
Building, Accessory. "Accessory building" means a miscellaneous use unit located on the same lot and incidental to a main or principal occupancy.
"Building commissioner" means the building commissioner of the City of Chicago or his duly authorized delegate or representative.
Building, Existing. For definition see Chapter 13-196.
Building, Public. "Public building" means any building with the following exceptions:
1. Single-family residence;
2. Multi-story residential building under four stories in height;
3. The second floor of two-story buildings having less than 15,000 square feet at the second floor level, or any occupied levels below grade having less than 15,000 square feet, but not including publicly owned buildings;
4. Fire stations.
"Business Live/Work Unit" means a dwelling unit containing a minimum of 800 gross square feet and a maximum of 3,000 gross square feet in which a minimum of one-third of the gross square footage of the unit or 400 square feet, whichever is greater, and a maximum of 50 percent of the gross square footage of the unit, is used for an occupancy classification of E or F, and the occupancy E or F portion is owned and operated by the residential occupant.
Business Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-120.
Chimney. For definition see Section 18-28-202.
City digital sign. For definition see Section 17-17-0234.5.
"Classroom" means a room in a school used for the instruction of students in a group.
Coal Pocket. For definition see Section 13-96-100.
Combustible Frame Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-070.
Combustible Material. For definition see Section 15-12-040(a).
Controlled Materials. For definition see Section 13-120-040.
Conveyance Device. For definition see Section 14C-2-202.
Cooling Tower. For definition see Section 13-96-440.
Court. For definition see Section 13-172-030.
Court, Inner. For definition see Section 13-172-030.
Court, Outer. For definition see Section 13-172-030.
"Covered mall" means a covered interior area open from lowest grade level to roof used as a pedestrian public way and connecting groups of buildings.
Day Care Center has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 4-75-010.
"Day Care Center – Class 1" means any institution or place, regardless of nomenclature and with or without a stated educational purpose, that offers care during all or part of the day for three or more children, not of common parentage, apart from their parent or guardian, between the ages of two years and six years.
For occupancy classification, see Section 13-56-100.
"Day Care Center – Class II" or "Day Care Center/Under 2" means any institution or place offering care for children, not of common parentage, apart from their parent or guardian, under two years of age. Class II day care centers shall be located only at ground level.
For occupancy classification, see Section 13-56-050.
"Deck" shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term in section 15-8-321.
Developmentally Disabled. For definition, see Section 8-4-080(1)(B).
Door, Fire. "Fire door" means a door and its assembly, so constructed and assembled in places as to give specified protection against the passage of fire. See "Opening Protective Assemblies – Doors".
"Dormer" means a structure projecting through a sloped roof, usually containing a window on the front vertical face.
Dressing Room. For definition see Section 13-84-070(f).
Driveway. For definition see Section 13-108-040(c).
Dry Cleaning or Dyeing Units. For definition see Chapter 15-24.
"Dwelling" means any building which is wholly or partly used or intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants.
"Dwelling unit" means a room or suite of rooms designed or used for living purposes including a family unit or a room for sleeping accommodations, including hotel and dormitory rooms.
"Elevator" means a hoisting and lowering mechanism, equipped with a car, that moves within guides and serves two or more landings.
"Enclosed mall shopping center" means a single structure composed of buildings or groups of buildings connected by a covered mall not exceeding 80 feet in height; designed primarily for mercantile use with multiple tenants.
"Entrance for handicapped" means an entrance or exit accessible to and usable by individuals in wheelchairs or those with major mobility limitations.
"Equipment" consists of all mechanical, electrical or storage devices and fixtures requiring conformance with the code in regard to construction, installation, operation, alteration, maintenance and inspection. "Equipment" shall include among others conveyance devices, plumbing, ventilation systems, heating apparatus, refrigeration systems, boilers and electrical equipment.
"Escalator" means a power-driven, inclined, continuous stairway used for raising or lowering passengers.
"Exhibition areas" means any building or building area or areas, within a building used for temporary exhibition of goods, wares, merchandise or equipment.
"Existing building" means a building, structure or part thereof which has been completed and ready for occupancy.
"Exit." For definition see Section 13-160-020(a).
Exit Connection. For definition see Section 13-160-020(e).
Exit, Horizontal. For definition see Section 13-160-020(c).
Exit, Outside. For definition see Section 13-160-020(d).
Exit, Vertical. For definition see Section 13-160-020(b).
"Exposed surface" means any surface on the interior or exterior of a dwelling or dwelling unit or school or day care center Class I or Class II which is readily accessible to children. Such surfaces shall include but are not limited to floors, walls, ceilings, door frames, doors, window frames, windows, stairs, stair rails, porch decks and porch railings.
Exterior Protected Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-040.
Exterior Trim. For definition see Section 15-8-290.
Family Home. A "family home" is a community- based residential home for not more than four developmentally disabled persons, who together with an appropriate number of staff, function as a single-family. Refer to the definition of "developmental disability" in the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code, Public Act 80-1414.
"Family unit" means a room or group of rooms used or intended to be used as a housekeeping unit for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
Fence. For definition see Section 13-96-130.
Finish, Ceiling. For definition see Section 15-8-370.
Finish, Interior Wall. For definition see Section 15-8-370.
"Fire commissioner" means the commissioner of the fire department of the City of Chicago or the commissioner's departmental designee.
"Fire escape" means an exterior vertical exit used primarily as an emergency means of egress.
"Fire limits" shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term in section 13-116-010.
Fire-Resistance. For definition see Section 15-12-040(b).
Fire-Resistive Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-020.
Fire-Resistive Rating. For definition see Section 15-12-040(c).
Fire Retardant Treated Wood. For definition see Section 15-12-040(f).
Fire Station. For definition see Section 13-96-180.
Flame-Spread Rating. For definition see Section 15-12-040(d).
Flight. For definition see Section 13-160-020(f).
Floor Area.
1. As applied to area limitations: "floor area" means the floor space enclosed by exterior walls, fire-walls or a combination of these structural elements.
2. As applied to the capacity of a building or floor of a building: "floor area" means the floor space enclosed by the exterior walls of a building, excluding elevators, stairways or other shafts.
3. As applied to a space room: "floor area" means the net area within the enclosing walls or partitions.
Flue. For definition see Section 18-28-202.
"Foyer" means a room adjoining an auditorium and serving as the principal entrance to any seating level thereof.
Fume or Flammable Compressed Gas Building or Room. For definition see Chapter 15-26.
Gallery. For definition see "Balcony".
Garage, Basement. For definition see Section 13-108-040(b).
Garage, Private. For definition see Section 13-96-260.
Gasoline Filling Station. For definition see Section 13-96-520.
1. As applied to a building less than ten feet from a street property line, "grade" shall be the established sidewalk elevation.
2. As applied to a building more than ten feet from a street property line, "grade" shall be the finished ground elevation at the building wall.
3. As applied to a building facing a two- level street, "grade" shall be determined by the upper level unless otherwise provided.
Group Home. A "group home" is a residential building or portion thereof designed as a child care facility that provides supervised maintenance or personal care in a quasi-family setting for not more than ten minor children, ages six to under 18 years, not of common parentage, for part or all of the day or night.
Guard. A building component or a system of building components located at or near the open sides of an elevated walking surface, and that minimizes the possibility of a fall from the walking surface to a lower level.
"Habitable room" means a room within a residential occupancy and used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, eating or cooking purposes, as well as any room within a residential occupancy and used or intended to be used for dressing, studying, reading, listening to music, playing music, or family entertainment of any sort, but does not include bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundries, pantries, foyers, corridors, storage spaces, stairways, or closets.
"Handicapped" means persons with reduced mobility, flexibility, coordination or perceptiveness due to age or physical condition.
Handrail. A horizontal or sloping rail intended for grasping by the hand for guidance or support.
Hangar. For definition see Section 13-108-120(a).
Hazardous Use Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-210.
Heavy Timber Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-050.
Height. For definition see Section 13-48-020(c).
Home for the Aged means a facility licensed or required to be licensed under this Code which is operated not-for-profit under the auspices of a religious, fraternal, charitable or other nonprofit organization, or operated not-for-profit under an endowment, which through its ownership or management, and as its principal objective, provides maintenance, personal care, nursing or sheltered care to aged persons, and in the conduct of which provides such service(s) to not less than three persons over 60 years of age, who are not related to the applicant or owner by blood or marriage.
Home Occupation. See Section 4-6-270(a) for definition.
Horizontal Compartment. That portion of a building bounded by exterior walls and the required fire rated and smoke barrier floor or roof assembly.
Hotel. Every building or structure kept, used, maintained as, advertised, or held out to the public to be an inn, hotel, motel, family hotel, apartment hotel, lodging house, dormitory or place where sleeping or rooming accommodations are furnished for hire or rent, whether with or without meals, in which seven or more sleeping rooms are used or maintained for the accommodation of guests, lodgers or roomers, excluding single-room occupancy buildings and bed- and-breakfast establishments as defined in this section, shall be considered a hotel.
Industrial Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-140.
Industrial Unit, Low Hazard. For definition see Section 13-56-150.
Industrial Unit, Moderate Hazard. For definition see Section 13-56-160.
"Institutional home" means a building or part thereof designed or used for the housing and care of three or more aged or infirm persons or children and not providing hospital facilities.
Institutional Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-050.
Interior Trim. For definition see Section 15-8-390.
"Intermediate care facility for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less" means a facility licensed by the State of Illinois to provide living arrangements for no more than 15 developmentally disabled persons, whether or not related to each other by blood or marriage, in a quasi-family setting.
Landing. For definition see Section 13-160-020(g).
"Lead-based coatings" means any paint, lacquer, or other applied liquid surface coatings, and putty, which contain a quantity of lead more than six-hundredths of one percent by weight of its nonvolatile content.
"Let" means to give another person the right to occupy any portion of a dwelling, family unit, or rooming unit. The act of "letting" shall be deemed to be a continuing act for so long as the persons given the right to occupy premises, continue to do so. A further "letting" by any occupant of a dwelling, family unit, or rooming unit is for purpose of this chapter, also a "letting" by the owner or operator of the dwelling.
"Lintel" means the beam or girder placed over an opening in a wall, which supports the wall construction above.
"Living level" means any floor or level in a building where habitable rooms are provided, including basement, penthouse and attic; except, however, that in a single-family dwelling, a basement containing less than 400 square feet of habitable space without a kitchen shall not be counted as a living level.
Loading Space. For definition see Section 13-108-040(c).
Lodginghouse. For definition see "Hotel".
"Lot" means a parcel of land used or intended to be used as a unit. Each building and its accessory building, shall be on a separate lot.
Lot, Front of. "Front of lot" means the shortest street frontage.
Lot Line, Exterior. "Exterior lot line" means a boundary line between a lot and a street, alley, public way or railroad right-of-way.
Lot Line, Interior. "Interior lot line" means a boundary line between a lot and an adjoining lot.
Lot, Rear of. The boundary opposite the front of the lot as herein defined, or that boundary most nearby parallel to the front of the lot.
Mercantile Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-130.
"Mezzanine" means an intermediate floor placed in any story of a building and limited in area as required elsewhere in this Code.
Miscellaneous Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-220.
Mixed Occupancy. For definition see Section 13-56-240.
"Motion picture house" means a building or portion of a building used for the showing of motion pictures with a recess at the front of the auditorium used and designed solely for the mounting of a motion picture screen and its related sound equipment and containing no fixed or movable scenery other than curtains of flame resistant material.
Motor Vehicle Sales and Display Rooms. For definition see Section 13-108-040(c).
Multiple Dwelling. For definition see Section 13-56-040.
Newel Post. For definition see Section 13-160-020(h).
"Nightclub" means a place of entertainment open at night usually serving food and beverages, and providing live or recorded entertainment. The term "nightclub" does not include a theater or museum, but otherwise is used in the building code without regard to the license classification or category of a business.
Noncombustible Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-030.
Noncombustible Material. For definition see Section 15-12-040(e).
Nursing Home means a "skilled care facility," "intermediate care facility," "sheltered care facility" or similar "long-term care facility," as those terms are defined in the Illinois Nursing Home Care Code (210 ILCS 45) and/or Title 77 Ill. Adm. Code Part 300.
"Occupancy" means the use or uses of any building or structure for any of the following purposes: residential, institutional, assembly, business, mercantile, industrial, storage, hazardous or miscellaneous uses as defined in Chapter 13-56.
"Occupancy content" means the maximum number of persons occupying any building, floor, room or space.
Open Air Assembly Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-110.
Opening Protective Assemblies – Doors and shutters. For definition see Section 15-12-080.
Opening Protective Assemblies – Windows. For definition see Section 15-12-170.
"Open plan school" means a building intended to be used as a Type I or II school which consists principally of individual teaching areas that are separated from each other only by informal dividers, such as cabinets, bookcases, partitions of less than floor to ceiling height.
"Open space" means a street, alley, waterway, park, yard, court or other permanent unobstructed space open to the sky.
Ordinary Construction. For definition see Section 13-60-060.
Owner. "Owner" means any person who alone, jointly or severally with others:
a. Shall have legal title to any premises, or dwelling units, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or
b. Shall have charge, care or control of any premises, dwelling or dwelling unit as owner or agent of the owner, or an executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner.
c. "Owner" includes the owner, his agent for the purpose of managing, controlling or collecting rents, any other person managing or controlling a building or premises or any part thereof and any person entitled to the control or direction of the management or disposition of a building or premises or of any part thereof.
"Parked vehicle" means any vehicle which is not in motion and which is not under control of the driver.
"Partition" means a vertical separating construction between rooms or spaces.
Partition, Bearing. "Bearing partition" means a partition used to support loads other than its own weight.
"Pedestrian passageways" means pedestrian passageways between buildings.
Penthouse. For definition see Section 15-8-530.
Performing arts venue. For definition, see Section 4-156-710.
"Permit" means an authorization by the commissioner of buildings to proceed with construction, alteration, installation or demolition.
"Planning requirements" means the size, arrangement and location of the rooms within a structure.
"Playhouse-in-the-round" means a building or portion of a building used for live theatrical performances having an acting platform which is fully open to audience viewing from at least three sides, which may or may not be raised, and which contains no horizontal recess. The platform is to be of noncombustible material or fire retardant treated lumber. The space above the platform is open with no fly gallery. Combustible scenery is limited to small furniture groupings.
Porch. An unheated roofed portion of a building, generally containing a stair used for ingress and egress and floor area, and separated from the principal portion of the building by a fire rated wall and unrated doors and windows.
Prefabricated Assembly. For definition see Section 13-120-140(a).
Professional Services. "Professional services" includes medical, dental, legal, architectural, engineering and similar services.
Projection Block. For definition see Section 13-84-070(e).
Property Room. For definition see Section 13-84-070(h).
Proscenium. For definition see Section 13-84-070(g).
"Public way" means a public street, alley, sidewalk or park.
"Radio theater" means a radio studio with an assembly space for an audience of more than 100 persons.
Ramp. For definition see Section 13-160-020(i).
Residential Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-020.
Riser. For definition see Section 13-160-020(j).
"Roominghouse" means any dwelling or that part thereof in which space is let by the owner, operator or occupant of one or more rooming units or more persons who are not husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or father, grandparents, grandchildren, sister or brother or niece or nephew of the owner or operator or tenant or the spouse of any of these, but any child lawfully under the care of the above members of a family shall not be deemed a roomer.
"Rooming unit" means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit, used or intended to be used, for living and sleeping but not for cooking or eating purposes. A room occupied by a person who is permitted to prepare meals anywhere in a dwelling is a family unit and not a rooming unit unless it is an institutional unit as defined in Section 13-56-050 of this Code or in a convent, monastery, a bona fide not-for- profit club, or in a dormitory, fraternity or sorority affiliated with an educational or (other) charitable institution.
Roundhouse. For definition see Section 13-96-310.
"Row of seats" means a group of adjoining seats arranged side by side.
School. For definition see Section 13-56-100.
"Self-service (public) storage facility" means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage spaces to occupants who are to have access to such for the purpose of storing and removing personal property.
"Shaft" means a space enclosed with side walls and extending through two or more stories.
Shall. As used in this Code, "shall" means "mandatory".
Sheltered care facility has the meaning ascribed to the term in the definition of a "nursing home" as set forth herein.
Sheltered Care Home means a facility that provides personal care and assistance, supervision, oversight or nursing, and a suitable activities program. Provisions are made for medical care as necessary.
Sign, Outdoor. For definition see Section 13-96-030(a).
Single-Family Dwelling. For definition see Section 13-56-030.
"Single-room occupancy building" means any dwelling or part thereof designed or used primarily for single-room occupancy, containing five or more single- room living units, and which is occupied by the same tenants for an uninterrupted period of not less than 32 days.
"Single-room occupancy unit" is a room used or intended to be used as a residential housekeeping unit by not more than two occupants for living and sleeping, with or without cooking facilities, that contains not more than one habitable room consisting of not more than 250 square feet of floor area excluding from the calculation of floor area any kitchen having less than 70 square feet of floor area.
"Sleeping accommodations" means a room, space, or portion thereof, used primarily for sleeping purposes.
"Smoke Alarm" means a single- or multiple-station alarm responsive to smoke.
"Smoke Alarm, Multiple-Station" means two or more single-station alarm devices that can be interconnected such that actuation of one causes all integral or separate audible alarms to operate. A multiple-station alarm device can consist of one single- station alarm device having connections to other detectors or to a manual fire alarm box.
"Smoke Alarm, Single-Station" means an assembly incorporating the detector, the control equipment, and the alarm-sounding device in one unit, operated from a power supply either in the unit or obtained at the point of installation.
"Smoke Detector" means a listed device that senses visible or invisible particles of combustion.
Smokeproof tower. For definition see Section 13-160-360.
Stage. For definition see Section 13-84-070(a).
Stage Block. For definition see Section 13-84-070(d).
Stage, Type 1. For definition see Section 13-84-070(b).
Stage, Type 2. For definition see Section 13-84-070(c).
Stage Workshop. For definition see Section 13-84-070(i).
Stairway. For definition see Section 13-160-020(k).
Stairway, Enclosed. For definition see Section 13-160-020(k)(1).
Stairway, Exterior. For definition see Section 13-160-020(k)(2).
Stairway, Interior. For definition see Section 13-160-020(k)(3).
Storage Room. For definition see Section 13-84-070(j).
Storage Unit. For definition see Section 13-56-170.
Storage Unit, Low Hazard. For definition see Section 13-56-180.
Storage Unit, Moderate Hazard. For definition see Section 13-56-190.
Story. "Story" means the space between any two floors or between the topmost floor and the ceiling; provided that for a building in the Wrigley Field Adjacent Area, as that term is defined in Section 4-388-010, in which is located a special club license, as that term is defined in Section 4-388-010, the roof of the building shall be counted as one story, and every additional deck level constructed on or above the roof shall be counted as a story; provided further that if the space between the roof and the first deck constructed immediately above the roof is only interstitial space, then the roof and first deck shall be counted as one story.
"Supplied" means installed, furnished or provided by an owner or operator whether or not he charges tenants separately for a facility installed or furnished by him.
"Surface" means the outermost layer or superficial area of the interior and readily accessible exterior surfaces of a dwelling, dwelling unit, or school or day care center Class I or Class II, including but not limited to the outermost layer or superficial area of walls, ceilings, floors, stairs, stair railings, window sashes, windowsills, window frames, doors, door frames, porch decks, porch railings, baseboards, and woodwork of dwelling or dwelling unit or school or day care center Class I or Class II.
"Technology center." For definition see Section 13-56-121.
"Telephone exchange" means a building or part of a building that (a) is owned or operated by any person whose primary business is the providing of communication services other than radio or television, and (b) houses communication switching equipment.
Tent. For definition see Section 13-96-480.
"Theater" means an assembly unit designed or used primarily for theatrical performances and containing a Type I stage.
Tire facility. For definition, see Section 4-228-010(o).
Tower. For definition see Section 15-8-550.
"Townhouse" means a vertical dwelling unit in a multiple-dwelling (Class A-2) building which meets the requirements of Section 13-64-020 of the code.
"Toxic heavy metal based coatings" means any paint, lacquer, or other applied liquid surface coating and putty which contains antimony, arsenic, cadmium, mercury or selenium of which the total metal content, individually or in total, exceeds five hundredths of one percent of the total weight of the contained solids or dried paint film.
"Transparent glazing material" means clear glass or clear rigid plastic.
Travel Distance. For definition see Section 13-160-120.
Tread. For definition see Section 13-160-020(l).
"Vertical compartment" means that portion of the building bounded by exterior walls and the required two hour fire rated and smoke barrier interior wall assembly which divides the building in a vertical plane.
Wall, Bearing. "Bearing wall" means a wall used to support loads other than its own weight.
Wall, Fire. For definition see Section 15-8-020.
Wall, Nonbearing. "Nonbearing wall" means a wall used to support no loads other than its own.
Wall, Parapet. "Parapet wall" means the extension of a wall above the roof level.
Wall, Retaining. "Retaining wall" means a wall designed to resist lateral earth pressure.
Window, Fire. "Fire window" means a window and its assembly, so constructed and assembled in place as to give specified protection against the passage of fire. See "Opening protective assemblies – Windows".
(Prior code §§ 47-1 and 47-2; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140; Amend Coun. J. 6-28-89, p. 2598; Amend Coun. J. 4-12-91, p. 32345; Amend Coun. J. 5-4-94, p. 49750; Amend Coun. J. 11-2-94, p. 58476; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 10-2-95, p. 8040; Amend Coun. J. 4-16-96, p. 20123; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-97, p. 54731; Amend Coun. J. 4-1-98, p. 65911; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 66679, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 1-20-99, p. 88459; Amend Coun. J. 6-28-00, 36679, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-1-00, p. 43076, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99026, § 2.5; Amend Coun. J. 9-4-03, p. 7118, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 10-1-03, p. 9163, § 4.1; Amend Coun. J. 11-30-05, p. 62481, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 169; Amend Coun. J. 6-6-12, p. 28356, § 31; Amend Coun. J. 6-27-12, p. 30744, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 213; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-12, p. 44485, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 30; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45477, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VI, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74459, Art. II, § 3)