None of the following herein described hazardous use units:
Asphalt, tar, pitch, resin or paraffin heating room;
Corrosive liquid storage room;
Dip tanks having a capacity or liquid surface area in excess of the following:
Capacity | Liquid Surface Area | |
Class I | 10 gallons | 4 square feet |
Class II | 60 gallons | 10 square feet |
Class III | 125 gallons | 15 square feet |
Drying room for any article or material which will give off explosive or flammable vapors during the drying process;
Flammable liquids storage (except as provided in Section 15-24-270 of this Code);
Fume or flammable compressed gas;
Grinding or dust producing;
Hazardous chemical;
Highly flammable material storage;
Highly toxic materials;
Japanning or enameling;
Nitrocellulose products;
Paint spraying or mixing except for water base paint;
Picker or shredder;
Standard fireproof vault;
Sulphur storage;
shall be located in any story below grade in any building hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted for any purpose; provided, however, that one or more rooms built for no purpose other than that of the operation of water purification plants or a refrigerating unit may be located in any basement of any building.
(Prior code § 60-14)
Every conveyor or duct between any hazardous use unit and any other building, or any other room in the same building, shall have an automatic closing noncombustible damper at each opening through any required fire separation, except as otherwise permitted under Section 15-24-850. Every such damper for a conveyor shall meet the requirements of Section 15-28-1190 of this Code.
(Prior code § 60-20)