Auxiliary Business Use. Every hazardous use unit required in Chapters 15-16, 15-20, 15-24, and 15-26 to be isolated from every other building or structure shall be located in a building used for no purpose, other than that of the purposes of such a hazardous use unit; provided, however, that any such building may have an auxiliary office designed, intended and used for the regular occupancy of not more than three persons.
Adjoining Other Occupancies. The following hazardous use units shall be permitted to adjoin a building having the same occupancy, or a building having one or more other occupancies:
Corrosive liquid storage buildings;
Cereal, feed, flour, grist and starch mills;
Dry cleaning building, subject to the provisions of Section 15-24-920 of this Code;
Fume or flammable compressed gas buildings, subject to the provisions of Chapter 15-26 of this Code;
Highly flammable material storage buildings;
Smoke houses.
Any such building except a dry cleaning building may have an auxiliary office, designed, intended or used for the regular occupancy of not more than six persons.
Hazardous Use Units Prohibited. A hazardous use unit shall not be permitted in any building used for any other occupancy except as provided by Section 13-56-280 of this Code.
(Prior code § 60-8; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 24)