Every room in a dry cleaning building in which a flammable solvent having a flash point below 140 degrees Fahrenheit (closed cup tester) is used shall be provided with an exit directly to the outside of the building. Every door to such a room shall open outward. Any stairway for such a building shall be a smokeproof tower or exterior stairway. There shall be no window or ventilating opening within five feet of any such stairway. An open balcony or runway leading to a stairway shall be considered as such means of exit, but there shall be no window or ventilating opening upon or below such balcony.
(Prior code § 60-29)
Every room used for the examining or repairing of motion picture films shall have not less than two exit doorways, located as required by Section 13-112-270 and one of such exits shall lead directly to a vertical means of exit or to the outside of the building. Any such room shall not have any exit into or through another nitrocellulose products room, excepting a receiving, shipping or distributing room having such products in closed containers.
(Prior code § 60-30)
Every vertical means of exit required under that part of this chapter dealing with means of exit from any story for which two exits are required shall have a standard exit sign as required by Chapter 13-160.
(Prior code § 60-34)