Every room or space in a hazardous use unit shall have one or more exit doorways or other means of exit, according to floor area or size as follows:
One Exit Required. Any room or space, except as otherwise provided, having a floor area of 300 square feet or less, or a maximum side or diameter of 20 feet or less, except an office or motion picture trial exhibition room, shall have one such exit not less than three feet wide. Any office or motion picture trial exhibition room, having a floor area of 600 square feet or less, shall have one such exit doorway not less than five feet wide; provided, however, that if such room is 300 square feet or less in area, such exit doorway may be three feet wide.
Two Exits Required. Every film examining or repairing room of any size, and any room or space having a floor area of more than 300 square feet, or a maximum side or diameter of more than 20 feet, and any office or motion picture trial exhibition room having a floor area of more than 600 square feet, and any room now in existence or hereafter constructed, where dusts, vapors, gases or fumes are generated, as provided in Section 15-28-1210 shall have not less than two such exits, separated by a distance not less than the least dimension of any side of the room.
Exits from Floor Area. Every floor area containing any such room shall have not less than two exits from the story containing such room, and from every higher story, which shall be separated by a distance of not less than 25 percent of the perimeter of the story within the floor area.
(Prior code § 60-27)
Every room in a dry cleaning building in which a flammable solvent having a flash point below 140 degrees Fahrenheit (closed cup tester) is used shall be provided with an exit directly to the outside of the building. Every door to such a room shall open outward. Any stairway for such a building shall be a smokeproof tower or exterior stairway. There shall be no window or ventilating opening within five feet of any such stairway. An open balcony or runway leading to a stairway shall be considered as such means of exit, but there shall be no window or ventilating opening upon or below such balcony.
(Prior code § 60-29)
Every room used for the examining or repairing of motion picture films shall have not less than two exit doorways, located as required by Section 13-112-270 and one of such exits shall lead directly to a vertical means of exit or to the outside of the building. Any such room shall not have any exit into or through another nitrocellulose products room, excepting a receiving, shipping or distributing room having such products in closed containers.
(Prior code § 60-30)
Every vertical means of exit required under that part of this chapter dealing with means of exit from any story for which two exits are required shall have a standard exit sign as required by Chapter 13-160.
(Prior code § 60-34)