It shall be unlawful for any person to take possession of or make use of for any purpose, alter, deface, destroy, move, injure, obstruct by fastening a boat or vessel thereto or otherwise tie a boat or vessel to, or in any manner whatever impair the usefulness of, any bridge, any special purpose buoy or any marine navigational aid established and maintained by the City of Chicago, Chicago Park District, or any subdivision of said governments.
(Prior code § 38-29.1)
All vessels, craft, or floats lying in or navigating the harbor shall be respectively governed by the following further provisions:
(a) Every vessel using steam shall have its smoke pipe or pipes so constructed and managed as to prevent sparks or coals of fire escaping therefrom, and shall be moved slowly at a speed not exceeding four miles per hour under a low head of steam. Every tugboat or steam vessel used chiefly for towing shall have a joint in its smoke pipe or pipes, and shall be constructed in all respects in such a manner as to be able to pass under any bridge which is not less than 13 feet above the surface of the water.
(b) No master or other person owning or having charge of any vessel, craft, or float shall leave the same in the harbor without having on board or in charge thereof some competent person to control, manage and secure the same, without first obtaining permission of the harbormaster.
(c) All vessels, craft, or floats, whether using steam or otherwise, while lying in the harbor, shall have and keep their anchors on board, and their lower yards cockbilled, and the upper yards braced up sharp.
They shall likewise have and keep out on board during the night time a conspicuous white light, and shall have extinguished or safely secured at dark all fires which may be kept on board.
(d) No vessel, craft, or float shall be suffered to lie in the harbor adrift or insecurely fastened.
(e) Vessels, craft, or floats moving with the current shall have the right-of-way.
(f) In case one vessel desires to pass another going in the same direction in the harbor the pilot of the vessel astern shall give the proper signal, indicating the side upon which he wishes to pass. Upon the pilot of one vessel astern of another giving such signal, the pilot of the vessel ahead shall immediately answer by giving the same signal; but if he does think it safe for the vessel astern to attempt to pass at that point he shall immediately signify the same by giving several short and rapid blasts of the whistle, and under no circumstances shall the steamer astern attempt to pass the steamer ahead until such time as they have reached a point where it can be safely done, when such vessel ahead shall signify her willingness by blowing the proper signals and the vessel astern shall pass the overtaken vessel, giving the overtaken vessel as wide a berth as possible.
(g) The vessel dispatcher shall keep a record of the movements of all vessels and through the bridge telephone operators give such directions to the bridge tenders or persons in charge of the bridges in regard to the opening of bridges that the provisions of this Code may be carried out.
(h) Vessels exceeding 200 tons navigating the harbor shall not proceed at a speed greater than four miles per hour.
(Prior code § 38-030)
(a) For purposes of this section the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Advertising sign" means any sign displayed on a watercraft, other than:
(A) The name of the watercraft and any required licensing, registration or identification markings displayed on the watercraft; or
(B) A sign identifying the owner of the watercraft and the principal business, occupation, service, commodity or entertainment conducted, sold or offered on the watercraft.
(2) "Advertising vessel" means any boat, barge, raft or other watercraft designed or used for the display of one or more advertising signs.
(3) "Chicago Harbor" means the harbor defined in Section 10-40-010 of this Code.
(b) No person shall operate or cause to be operated any advertising vessel within the Chicago Harbor. Violation of this section shall constitute a nuisance, and the corporation counsel is authorized to prosecute an action in the appropriate court for injunction against continuation thereof. In addition, any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $200.00 and not more than $500.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation shall continue shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Added Coun. J. 10-31-90, p. 22657)
No person shall occupy any vessel, craft, or float upon the waters of the harbor as a residence, or for the purpose of engaging in any business, trade, or traffic for any purpose whatsoever, without first obtaining a license so to do. The license shall be posted and remain at all times in a conspicuous place in or on the vessel, craft, or float.
Any person violating this section shall be fined $200.00, and each and every day on which such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 38-31; Amend Coun. J. 11-24-20, p. 24619, Art. III, § 1)
Every person performing or undertaking the work of tunnel construction under the water of Lake Michigan and within the jurisdiction of the city, and maintaining a crib in connection with such work, shall, whenever such person shall have persons employed on or about such crib or in any portion of the tunnel which is so connected with such crib that persons employed therein may pass therefrom in or onto such crib, provide on or at such crib a sufficient number of boats, of adequate and suitable design, to safely transport and convey all persons engaged in working in and about such tunnel construction to the mainland. Any person violating this section shall be fined $1,000.00 for each offense, and a separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as committed each day that such violation shall continue.
(Prior code § 38-32; Amend Coun. J. 11-24-20, p. 24619, Art. III, § 1)
ARTICLE III. WHARVES AND DOCKS (10-40-310 et seq.)